Chapter 18-Just Some Gally Klunk

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Night soon fell, and Gally kept giving me glares.

"Bite me," I thought.


The next day started out the same: Get up. Run the Maze. Come back before the Doors close. Map my Section. But instead of eating dinner and then going to bed or talking with Tom or Newt, Gally decided to be a shank.

"See, here's the thing guys. Bridgette doesn't know what she's done," Gally talked among his friends.

             "Excuse me?" I asked, walking up to him.

            "You don't know what you've done, Shank," Gally hissed at me.

            "What have I done that is so bloody bad? Hmm? Is saving the Leader is bad? Is becoming a Runner bad? Or how about getting somewhere in life, something you clearly haven't done," I glared at him.

             "Excuse me?" He said, standing up from his seat.

             "Bite me," I said.

             "You little Shank," Gally growled. "Why did you come here? Did you come here to ruin our lives? How about causing everything bad to happen? Huh, girl? Huh? You aren't supposed to be here,"

"And neither are you, Shuckface!" I shot back at him. "And I didn't cause everything bad to happen,"

"The minute you showed up, everything went wrong. First you being a girl, then Ben getting stung, and then Alby. If you hadn't showed up, everything would be fine!" Gally barked.

"If I hadn't showed up, you wouldn't know anything! You wouldn't know who the Creators are or at least have an idea! You wouldn't know why we were here in the first place! You wouldn't know how to save your bloody Leader if he got stung!" I yelled at him.

"But if you didn't show up, he wouldn't have gotten stung in the first place!" Gally yelled back.

"Oh yea? How could you be sure about that? How could you be so shucking sure about that?" I asked.

"I know it wouldn't have happened because you were sent here to get us all killed! You triggered the end of our life! You're gonna get us all killed," Gally yelled. "And if someone doesn't do something, then every single person in this Glade is going to die and it going to be because of you,"

"You're afraid of me, aren't you!" I said.

"I'm not afraid! You little Shank girl, I'm not scared of you!" Gally said. He shoved me away, wanting to punch me in the face I bet.

               I walked off, wanting to punch him in the face.

"Hey, Bridgette, don't worry about Gally, okay?" Thomas said, when I sat down next to him.

"Why do I bother arguing with that Slinthead?" I asked myself.

"Are you asking me this time?" He asked.

               "No. No I am not," I replied.

"Then I won't answer..." He said.

               "Why is Gally suck a Slinthead? What did I ever do to him?!" I asked Thomas.

               "He's just a Shuckface in general," Thomas said. "Just don't worry about it,"

              "Then I won't worry about it," I said.


•Thomas's P.O.V.•

If you walked up to me and said "What do you think of Gally?", I'd tell you the truth and nothing but the truth.

The truth is, Gally is a shuckface slinthead. He's been a shank ever since Bridgette showed up in the Box. It's unfair to her, and being her boyfriend, I absolutely HATE it. It's Gally though, and I think everyone hates him.


•Gally's P.O.V.•

WHY IS THAT SHANK BRIDGETTE STILL HERE!? She's a shank who thinks she's super awesome when she's seriously?! WHAT THE SHUCK! I'm not saying Thomas is better, he's a shank like her.

They seriously need to go! I DON'T CARE IF THEY ARE RUNNERS! THEY HAVE TO GO!

And I have another perfect will work this time...

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