Chapter 10-Missing Person

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I woke up the next morning with light from the Sun shining on my face. The Doors hadn't opened yet, and no one was up. Thomas was still asleep, and Chuck was snoring.

I spotted Newt and Alby chatting along with Minho. Alby had a Runner's Backpack on, and I guess he was running today...wait...Alby isn't a Runner.

I sat up in my hammock, wincing at the pain in my ankle. It wasn't hurting this bad yesterday, it must've just gotten stiff from last night.

"Bridgette," I heard from Thomas. "Rest your ankle and don't get attacked today,"

"But I have to do my part. I have to-" I started.

"Please just rest your ankle,"He replied.

I nodded.

"I'll see you when I get back, Munchkin. Love you," He said, kissing my forehead.

"Love you too," I smiled at him.

Then he joined Minho and Alby at the Doors, watching them open, and then running inside the Maze.


"Why'd Alby run into the Maze? I mean, I understand that he's the Leader and all, but I thought we weren't supposed to go into the Maze," I said to Newt. He was trying to cut down a tree stump, but since I couldn't help due to my ankle, I sat in the grass and watched him.

"He wanted to trace Ben's footsteps," Newt said.

"So he wanted to go back into the place where someone was just stung? Why do that? You might get hurt!" I stated.

"Listen, Alby knows what he's doing, alright?" He said, a little bitterly.

"Sorry..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Brit. With Ben being stung and all, I haven't been myself," Newt said.

"It's okay..." I said.

"How's your ankle? Is it getting bloody better?" He asked.

"Hurts like bloody hell. I couldn't move it this morning," I said.

"Great. Just bloody fabulous," Newt grumbled.

          I looked up, seeing dark clouds. Rain was coming.


            The Doors were still open, but the time ticked away. The rain was coming down hard and didn't seem to stop.

           "They're gonna make it, right?" I asked Newt, panicking a little.

            "There gonna make it," He reassured me.

            I kept quiet but kept looking at the Doors. The rain still pitter-patterned down, creating a steady beat.

           They would come back, right?


           •Thomas's P.O.V.•

         "Alby? Where the shuck are you? We should be heading back by now?" I yelled. He was no where in sight and we had to get back soon.

          Thankfully, Minho came running over towards me.

           "Hey, you find him?" Minho asked. Oh shuck...

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