Chapter 13-Argument in the Glade

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             We dragged/carried Alby back into the Glade. It took most of the day, and when we got back, the Doors seemed to close soon after.

            "What the hell," Gally asked, running over to us. "I guess I'll go get the Med-Jacks,"

            "Ya think?" I asked.

           Gally sent me a glare before running off to the Med-Jacks. He came back a couple minutes later with Jeff and Clint.

"Unbelievable," Clint said. "He got stung, but he's still breathing,"

"How'd you find him anyway?" Jeff asked.

"That shank," Minho said, pointing at me.

"You allowed her to go into the Maze? She's not even a Runner!" Gally yelled.

"Who cares if I wasn't a Runner!" I yelled back at him.

"You broke a rule! If your not a Runner, you shouldn't go into the Maze!" Gally yelled.

"Well I helped find Alby! If it weren't for me, he would've been dead in the Maze!" I yelled back at him.

"He got stung! He's pretty much already dead!" Gally said.

"Hey! Would you shut it," Newt yelled over us arguing. "She's right. If it weren't for her, we would've never found him,"

"Wow," Gally said, walking away pissed off.


"Things are changing. There's no doubt in that. First, Ben gets stung in the middle of the day. Then Alby gets stung, and Bridgette decided to take it all upon herself and go into the Maze," Gally started. Murmurs starting in the crowd of Gladers.

I rolled my eyes at his speech.

"She saved Alby's life," Frypan cut in.

"Did she?" Gally questioned.

"Listen, she went into the Maze with us and found Alby," Thomas said.

"He's right. She did save Alby," Newt said.

"She broke a rule! She went into the Maze when she wasn't a Runner!" Gally yelled.

"I told her to come with!" Newt yelled. "She got a memory back that helped us find him!"

The Gladers grew silent.

"Fine. If you want to abandon the rules, the only thing that kept us together, go ahead," Gally said. "But she needs to be punished,"

"Come on, Gally! What the bloody hell!" I said. He turned around and faced me, giving me a glare.

"Everything started going wrong the minute showed up," He hissed.

I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Gally, just leave her alone," Newt said.

"She needs to be punished!" Gally yelled, furiously.

"No. If anything, she should become a Runner," Newt said. My eyes lit up. A Runner? Chattering began in the crowd.

"You've got to be joking. A Runner?" Gally asked.

Newt nodded.

"Bridgette! Bridgette! Brid...gette..." Chuck started cheering.

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