Chapter 21-Completely Panicking

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•Newt's P.O.V.•

Bloody hell, bloody hell, bloody hell...

Bridgette and Thomas haven't gotten back yet and the Doors will be closing soon. I hadn't told anyone about the sibling thing, and I hope Bridgette didn't. I hope my sis was safe...

A couple minutes passed and Thomas finally was running towards the Doors...with Bridgette in his arms unconscious...

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my shucking god!

"What the bloody hell happened!" I yelled.

"I don't know. I heard her scream and found her laying on the floor of the Maze. I don't know what-" Tommy started.

"She didn't...she didn't...oh my god," I said crying. If she jumped...I swear...

                  "Med-jacks!" Thomas yelled, and Jeff and Clint came running over.

                  "Bloody hell...bloody hell...bloody hell..." I whispered to myself.

                   "Well, she's breathing, but she seems to be in a slight coma. Do you know what happened?" Clint asked Thomas.

                    He shook his head.

                    "Man, her arm is broken in two places. I don't know how long that will take to heal. It looks like...she..." Jeff said, giving me a glance. I bit my lip. I knew what he meant. Bridgette had jumped.

                    "We are gonna take her back to the Homestead," Clint said and with that, they carried my sister off.


               It's been an hour and I don't know how Bridgette is. I walked into the Homestead and walked into the room she was in. Like she was before, she was still in a coma, but her left arm was wrapped up.

                  I leaned up against the wall, staring at her.

                "Bridgette...I don't know if you can bloody hear me or anything, but did you jump? Did you jump off of one of the Walls? It's killing me, literally, seeing my sister in a coma and her arm broken. Tommy is worried, I'm worried. Please, please wake up," I said to her. I don't think she could hear me, but it would be nice if she did.

"Please wake up, sis. Please..." I said.

"What do you mean by sis?" I heard. My eyes immediately turned to the door of the room to see Thomas standing there.

"I treat her like she's my sister. It's a brother-sister relationship," I said, turning away from him.

"Doesn't sound like that," Thomas said crossing his arms.

I breathed in deeply before explaining. "Okay, I got some bloody snippet dream and it was her voice saying 'don't forget me, your sister'. She got some snippet dream and she was bloody saying to me 'don't forget me, your sister'. Plus we look somewhat alike, and we both have British accents,"

Thomas stayed silent.

"And please don't tell anyone," I said.

"Makes somewhat sense...and I won't tell anyone," He finally replied.


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

                "Bridgette...I don't know if you can bloody hear me or anything, but did you jump? Did you jump off of one of the Walls? It's killing me, literally, seeing my sister in a coma and her arm broken. Tommy is worried, I'm worried. Please, please wake up," I heard Newt say.

I wanted to wake up and say "It's okay! It's fine! I'm fine! It's okay, I promise!" but I couldn't. It's as if I was stuck in a totally separate place as them. And all I could do was listen to their conversations.

              Then I realized something. I had broken a promise. The first ever promise I've ever broken...the first promise I've made to my brother when I know he's my brother and we were in the Glade, I've broken. How can people trust me now? I've broken a bloody promise.


        •Thomas's P.O.V.•

        "Makes somewhat sense...and I won't tell anyone," I said. Holy shuck. They remembered! They remembered something! Wait...does that mean I'm dating my best friend's sister? Shuck...that's exactly what it means...

             "Bloody hell! I want to bloody know what happened! If she jumped...if s-she jumped..." Newt said.

             "She wouldn't have jumped. She was happy all the time and made everyone smile. No way she would've jumped," I replied.

            "You don't get it, do you?" Newt asked me coldly.

             "G-get w-what?" I asked, a little scared by Newt's tone.

            "I acted as if I was happy. I made everyone smile when I wasn't smiling on the inside!" He said. "That is why I have this bloody limp, Tommy! I jumped and for all you know, she could've been acting!"

               ", the Second in Command, jumped off of the Maze Wall?" I asked.

                 "Never mind about me! What about her!" Newt said, completely flipping out.

"Newt...calm the shuck down," I said.

"What the shuck! How can I bloody calm down when she's in a shucking coma!" He yelled.

"It's going to be fine. She will wake up...she will wake up...I promise," I replied.

"Oh shuck it!" Newt yelled. "Shuck the bloody promises! If I hear that phrase again, I'll banish anyone who says it!" And with that, he stormed out of the room.

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