Chapter 7-Scaredy Cat

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            •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

            " I talk to you?" I hear Thomas say.

            "You gonna tell me what you are hiding from me?" I asked.

             "Yea..." He said.

             "Okay, spill...please," I said, adding smile at the end.

             " there is this girl that I like but I'm a scaredy cat and can't tell her. And she probably thinks I'm a idiot right now so yea..." Thomas says.

             "So you like a girl and can't tell her. My problem is I may like a boy but can't tell him either..." I said, looking down.

             "Shuck! It's Newt isn't it!" Thomas says, panicking.

             "Does Newt have dark brown hair?" I asked.

            " it Chuck? Alby? Winston? Jeff? Clint?" Thomas starts throwing out random names.

           "No, no, no, no, and no," I said.

           "Frypan?" Thomas asks.

          "No! He has dark brown hair and is a Runner!" I said.

         "YOU LIKE MINHO!" Thomas flips.

        "Ew! No! That ugly bastard?" I said.

        "Dark brown hair and is a Runner?" He asks.

        I roll my eyes. "No, there's a Griever that has dark brown hair and is a Runner that I am in love with!" I say, sarcastically.

         "What? Ew. Why would you be in love with a Griever?" Thomas asked.

        "Thomas, why do you have to be so stupid at times," I asked, rolling my eyes.

        "Sorry, Munchkin," Thomas whispers. I looked at him like he was crazy.

           "What did you just call me?" I asked.

           "Oops. Did I say that aloud?" He asks, running his hand through his hair.

           "Yes, yes you did and it was adorable," I say, giving him a smile.

             "No, it was totally embarrassing!" Thomas said.

             "No, it was not!" You said.

             "Yes it was," He said.

            "I'm not arguing with you about this. It was adorable!" You say.

            "Not as adorable as you,"Thomas smiles.

            I blushed.

           "Will you be my girl, Bridgette?" Thomas asks.

           "Bloody hell, yes!" I said, with the biggest smile ever.

           "How about we go get some dinner?" He asks.

           "Fine with me," I said.


            "Did he tell you what he wanted to tell you?" Newt asks.

           I nod, a smile on your face.

          "And?" Newt asks.

         "I said yes," I whisper, the smile still on your face.

         "Yay!" Newt squeals in excitement.

           "Calm down, fangirl," I laugh.

           "I am not a fangirl!" Newt says, crossing his arms.

          "Mhm, yea...that's what you say," I reply, with a smile on me face.

          "What! I am bloody not!" He says.

           I rolled your eyes. "Where is Tom?" I ask looking around. Next thing I know, Chuck is running towards me.

            " the...deadheads...with him..." Chuck says out of breath.

             "Okay," I say. "Oh and Chuck,"

             "What?" He says, flopping onto the grass.

             "I can tell you are definitely not a Runner," I giggle as I run away towards the deadheads.

              I reach the woods and walk inside, feeling a cold breeze when I enter.

              "Thomas?" I call, looking around for my new boyfriend.

                I move a bush out of the way, seeing candles dotted along the ground. And then I see Thomas jumping out from behind a tree yelling "surprise!".

              "Thomas," I yell, running towards him and tackling him in a hug. "This is adorable!"

             "Not as adorable as you," He says, hugging me back.

              I giggle.

              "Lets hope Newt didn't follow me here," I laughed.

               " I guess you like?" Thomas says.

                 "Tommy! I love it!" I squeal.

                 "Good, I spent a long time and Chuck gets my dessert for a week now because he had to help," Thomas pouted.

                 "It's okay, Tom," I said, kissing his cheek. "You can have my dessert,"

                 He smiled and kissed my forehead.

             "Okay..." He whispered.

             "Something wrong?" I asked.

             "I'm still scared that I might mess up," He said.

               "No! My Tom is still a scaredy cat after he already got me?" I asked, shocked.

                "Maybe," He said, looking down.

                 I lifted his chin up and looked him in the eyes.

                 "Then we'll be scared together," I smiled.

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