Chapter 3-Fist Fighting

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I was standing near the circle around where a boy named Gally was trying to push another Glader out of it. It was a game that the boys often played. Typical boys. 

"I remember when I was pushed and Gally wanted me to verse him. I was pushed and fell a couple of times, but I remembered my name!" Thomas said.

"Are you trying to say the only way for me to remember is for me to verse Gally? Cause I'm not doing that, Shank," I said, pouting as if I am a little kid.

"Aww! The Greenie said her first Glader word!" Newt said smiling.

"Oh my gosh! She did!" Thomas joined in.

I crossed my arms, replying annoyed. "Really?" The three of us were starting to get along really well, almost as if we had known each other for many of years and not just barely a day.

"Would you prefer if I said nothing and acted like Gally?" Thomas said.

"Please no. You are the only person who will talk to me," I said.

"Hey," Newt said offensively. "Am I nothing!"

 I just rolled my eyes. "Fine, both of you are the only people who will talk to me."

"Yo, Greenie? You wanna fight?" Gally asked.

 "No. I do not want to fight you," I snapped. I still didn't know much about myself but I had a feeling fist to fist combat wasn't my strongest skill.

"Come on, don't be a baby," Gally said, pushing me on the shoulder.

"Gally, I'm not-" I started, but Gally gave me another shove.

"Come on, Greenie," Gally said, dragging me into the circle.

"No, no, no no no no!" I yelled, swatting at his hand to let go of me.

He let go of me, but I plopped down in the center of the circle. I got up and brushed the dirt off of me. I gave a glare to Gally before throwing a punch at his face but being Gally, of course, he dogged it.

 "Come on, Greenie. You can do better than that," He said.

I threw another punch, this time actually hitting him. He fell down but kicked my legs, causing me to fall on my back.

I got up, scrambling to my feet. I threw another punch, but he dodged it and shoved me down. My head hit the ground, hard. I rubbed my head where it hurt most.


That was my name. I got up quickly and threw a punch at Gally, who fell to the ground. I rubbed my lip, realizing that it was bleeding.

"That's what happens when you mess with Bridgette," I said, feeling a little bit dizzy. Combat clearly wasn't my best 

Thomas starting cheering and clapping as loud as possible. Newt soon joined in, followed by Chuck, and then all of the other Gladers.

I walked out of the circle, almost falling on my face.

"Oh my god! That was awesome! You beat Gally in his own game!" Newt cheered.

"Thank you," I said, holding my head.

"Bridgette...hmm...I like that..." Thomas mumbled to himself, but I still heard.

 I smiled. A piece of my blonde hair fell in front of my eyes, which Thomas tucked behind my ear.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned around I almost fell over. It was Gally and I didn't know if he was back to beat me up or not.

"Woah, Bridgette. You okay?" Thomas whispered in my ear, sweetly.

 I nodded. That tone, the tone he used. It seemed, familiar? Why?

"Nice job, Bridgette," Gally nodded, not looking me in the eyes, clearly embarrassed I was able to beat him.

"Thank you," I said. Then I realized I had given him a slight black eye. "Sorry..."

"What are you saying sorry about? I haven't been beaten up in a long time," Gally replied with a laugh. "Especially by a girl."

I laughed. My head was in so much pain, but I figured it was just a headache from when I fell. I rubbed my forehead and Thomas noticed blood. 

"Oh my god! Bridgette, your head is bleeding!" Thomas panicked. I looked at my hand and found a small amount smeared on my hand. 

He grabbed my hand and ran to a hut, called the Homestead. He emerged through the door, his hand still linked with mine. I didn't bother to object. It seemed normal and I had seemed already used to his hand holding mine.

"Jeff! Clint! Bridgette is hurt!" Thomas yelled. Jeff, a short boy with a small afro walked in.

"Man, what's your problem? Why you screaming like a girl? No offense, Greenie," Jeff said.

"None taken." I replied.

"Her head is bleeding. Help her," Thomas commanded.

"Man, you two dating?" Jeff said, going to the cabinet and getting some type of medicine. 

"Bridgette, it's going to be okay," Thomas spoke, looking at me, his hand still intertwined with mine. 

I gave him a 'duh' look. "Thomas, I'm not dying," I said.

"I know, but your head..." He said, trailing off. Jeff came towards me with a wet rag and a small jar of cream. 

"Wipe away the blood and then place the cream on the wound. It should be completely healed within a day." He spoke, handing me the items. 

"Thank you," I said with a smile. 

"You're welcome. If this shank keeps bothering you, tell Alby and Thomas will be sent to the Slammer...again," Jeff said, walking away. 

I held the wet rag against my forehead, getting rid of the blood. "Again?" I asked, slightly laughing. 

Thomas looked down with his cheeks a slight red. I giggled, placing some of the cream on the wound. 

When we walked out of the Homestead, Chuck and Newt came running over

"Oh my god, Tommy. What the bloody hell happened? First, Bridgette is perfectly fine. Next thing I know, you're dragging the poor thing away from everyone," Newt said.

"Yeah, I thought you were kidnapping her," Chuck said.

"Relax guys. Tom was just taking me to the Homestead cause he was freaking out that my head was bleeding." I said.

"Tom? I like that." Thomas mumbled, sending a smile my way. 

"Gally punched you that hard?!" Newt yelled, starting to look around at the boys. 

"No, I fell too hard." I corrected him. No way I wanted to get anyone in trouble on my first day here. 

A loud metallic screech interrupted our conversation. I jumped when I heard it.

"Griever..." Thomas whispered, looking towards the Doors.

"What?" I asked, turning to face him.

"You'll find out tomorrow," Newt said.

"Okay, we had a good night! Let's get some rest for tomorrow!" Alby yelled.

"Come on. You look tired," Thomas said, pulling me toward my hammock.

"But I'm not tired-" I said followed by a yawn. Weariness seemed to quickly creep up on me and I felt myself growing more tired as I talked. 

"Yeah, okay," Thomas said, slightly smiling. 

I jumped into my hammock and my eyes slowly closed.

"Night Bridgette," Thomas said.

"Night Tom," I whispered back.

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