Chapter 26-Exploring Section 7

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•Thomas's P.O.V.•

She was afraid of herself. She didn't remember her past, and she's afraid of herself. She doesn't even know if that's true or not and yet she was afraid of herself. She's afraid of herself because she broke a promise to her brother. She got hurt in the Maze and that broke her promise. You can never know what is going to happen in the Maze though. That's what Runner's need to know.

She's afraid of herself.

"Thomas," Bridgette said, breaking my thoughts.

"What? What, I'm back from my thoughts," I responded.

"You have been thinking for ten minutes..." She said.

"I have? Oh...oops..." I said.


"Was she okay after the whole 'Gally thinks we should kill her' thing?" Minho asked.

"She said that she's scared of herself," I replied.

"She's scared of herself? Why?" Newt asked.

"Because she thinks it's true. She thinks that she was the Creators favorite or whatever. She's afraid of herself because she lied to you about not getting hurt in the Maze. She's scared of herself because she thinks no one can trust her anymore," I said.

"She's scared of herself because of that?" Newt asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Holy shuck. There's always a possibility that it's not true," He said.

"It's not like she would remember...right?" I said.

"I don't think the Creators gave that to her without getting stung," Minho said.

"I don't think they would. And she would at least tell me," I said.

"Or me," Newt said.

"And what are we going to do about that thing? The key thingy," I asked Minho.

"We are going to see if it leads us anywhere, or if it's a just a dead end," Minho replied. "Is it okay if Bridgette comes with us?"

"She was the one who killed the Griever. She should come," I said, glancing at Newt.

"She's a Runner," He replied. "So she should go with,"


The next day, the three of us ran out in the Maze towards Section 7. The journey was quick, and we didn't run into an Grievers along the way (thank god!).

"So...we've reached the Blades. Where do we go from here?" Bridgette asked.

"Um..." I started.

"You guys have no bloody clue," She said, annoyed.

" clue," Minho shrugged.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"We just found it yesterday! Give us a shucking break-" Minho started.

Beep. Beep.

We all looked at each other with confused faces. Then Bridgette was going through Minho's Runner's Pack.

She pulled out the metal tube from the Griever. It slowly beeped in her hand. She turned to her right, walked a step, and it shut off. She turned to her left, walked a step, and the piece of metal started beeping faster.

She looked at Minho and I, and smiled.

"I think it's showing us the way," She spoke.


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

Beep after beep, we slowly found our way to a section Minho had never seen before.

"I've never seen this place before. Nice job finding it, Shank," Minho smiled.

But there was a giant wall, making the section we were in just another dead end.

"It's just another dead end though. Won't help us out-" Minho started. I walked closer to the wall, with the metal tube in my hand, the metal tube turned off and the red 7 turned green. The Wall clicked, opening up, and showing a black hole.

"What the what?" Thomas asked.

I shrugged.

We walked closer to the dark hole and a red light "scanned" us. Then we heard clicking noises. Minho looked at us, and we knew what he was going to say. So we ran.

The door closed again, hiding the dark hole. But when we ran out of that section, the Blades started to close too.

We weaved our way through the closing Blades, almost getting trapped.

After running through Section 7, we finally made it.


We ran through the Doors back into the Glade about an hour before they should close.

"What the bloody hell happened out there?" Newt asked.

"We found another part of Section 7 that I've never seen before," Minho spoke.

"We think it might be a way out," I said.

"So, we can get out of here?" Chuck asked.

"Of course, Chuck! I...never mind..." I said.

I was going to say "I promise we will get out of here", but I already broke a promise. I don't need to break another.

"We're gonna get out of here!" Chuck yelled in excitement.

"Why are we trusting her!" Gally yelled. "It could be a trap! She could have magical powers or something and she's trying to kill us!"

"Excuse me, Shank?" I asked, turning to face him. "If I had magical powers that could kill people, you would've been dead a long time ago,"

"Why are we trusting her?" Gally asked.

"Uh, because we can," Frypan spoke.

"But she might kill us! Bridgette doesn't know what she's done!" Gally yelled.

"If I was going to kill anyone, it would only be you, Gally," I said. "And can you shut up already? Your giving me a headache with your shucking words,"

Newt and Thomas laughed.

"Yea, Gally. Be quiet. Your annoying to everyone," Thomas said.

"I don't trust her. And no one else should trust her. You got it?" Gally said, glaring at everyone. Then he walked away towards the Builder's Hut.

"What a shank," I mumbled.

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