Chapter 14-Night Running

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"So what? Just run around the bloody Maze till morning and try not to get killed?" I asked.

"I guess..." Thomas said.

"Why not just hide under vines?" I asked.

"You know what happened to Alby," Thomas said.

I stayed silent. A metallic screech filled the air.

"Come on! Let's go!" Thomas said, pulling me away. We ran towards the outer Sections, but a couple Grievers blocked our way.

We looked around the Maze, hoping to find something that would save us. Thomas spotted a part of the Maze changing.

"This way! We can lose them down here," Thomas said.

He ran into the closing Section, but I didn't follow. Not until I saw a Griever. It looked at me, and then charged. So I ran.

"Run, Bridgette! Run," Thomas shouted.

The Walls came closer and closer together.

"Bridgette!" He yelled.


•Newt's P.O.V.•

"I thought you were smarter than that, Gally," I said.

"It was a smart plan! She was the stupid one," Gally said, hopping into the Slammer.

"No, it was the most stupidest bloody plan ever," I said, tying the door shut.

"Come on, Newt! You know she should not be a Runner! You know she should've been punished," Gally said.

"No, she became a Runner and that was that," I said, walking away.

No one has survived a night in the bloody Maze without getting stung, and thanks to Gally, I think I've just lost both of my friends.


The next morning, every Glader was up and in front of the Doors, waiting for them to open. As on time, the Doors opened up, moving slow, and exposing nothing but the Maze inside.

          "There gonna come back. There gonna come back!" Chuck said staring into the Maze. About three minutes passed and there was no sign of Bridgette or Thomas.

"There not coming back," I said, walking away. Chuck stood there, staring into the Maze, and every other bloody Glader was leaving.

"No way!" I heard Chuck squeal. "Yea! I told you they would come back!"

I turned around, to see Bridgette and Thomas walking out of the Maze. Bridgette had her left arm slung around Thomas's shoulder as she walked, probably to help her ankle.

"Oh my god. Please never ever do that again," I said to both of them.

"Trust me," Bridgette said. "We won't,"

"Did you see a Griever?" Chuck asked.

"Yea, we saw one," Bridgette said.

"We didn't just see it, Bridgette killed it," Thomas said.

Every single Glader looked at her in shock.

"You...killed it?" I asked.

"It kinda was chasing me and I ran into a closing Section and it got squished..." She said.

"And nether of you got stung?" Chuck asked.

"Nope," Thomas spoke. "At least I don't think we did,"

"The only thing wrong with me in my bloody ankle," Bridgette said, with a smile on her face. For spending a night in the Maze, she was in a good mood.


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

We made it! I can't believe we shucking made it through the Maze, without getting stung!

We were the first Gladers to survive a night in the bloody Maze and not get stung! Oh my god, this is amazing.


•Gally's P.O.V.•

I was locked in the shucking Slammer...great...

The next morning, Winston came over to the Slammer.

"They came back," He said.

"What do you mean 'came back'?" I asked him.

"Thomas and Bridgette survived a night in the Maze. They came back not stung and Bridgette killed a Griever or something," He said.

             "Excuse me," I asked.

             "They survived a night in the Maze. I don't know how but they did," Winston replied.

            "Shuck them..." I growled. "Get me out of this shuck cell,"

"Okay, Captan Gally," Winston said, saluting me.

He untied the ropes, making a bigger knot in the process. But the door was soon opened up, letting me out.

Thank god! I was out.

I walked over the circle of Gladers surrounding Bridgette and Thomas.


              •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

             "This is unbelievable," Chuck said.

             "Yea, yea...insanely crazy to believe," I heard the familiar voice of Gally.

             "Well I didn't do it do bloody impress you. So if you aren't impressed, I don't care," I said.

            "Gally! Why the bloody hell did you get out of the Slammer?" Newt asked.

           "Never mind that. Why did they return?" Gally asked.

           "You're unbelievable. You tried to get rid of me," I mumbled.

           "Is it my fault? I wasn't the one who ran into that Maze in the first place!" Gally shouted.

           "But you wanted me to! You lied to me. You kidnapped my friend and told me he was in the Maze!" I shouted back.

          "I could care less if I lied to you," Gally muttered under his breath. "But you shouldn't have came back,"

          I stayed silent. I watched him walk off. Was he right? I know, believing him makes me a shank but why did I come back? It's not like I had a purpose.

          "Bridgette, he's just a shank. He didn't mean it," Thomas said from behind me.

          "Didn't mean it," I mumbled with laugher. "He did mean it,"

         "Bridgette-" Thomas started.

         "Why did I come back. It's not like I had a purpose," I said, staring at the ground. I turned around and looked into the Maze, as if I knew my next move.

         Should I run in? I know I'm a Runner, but there was no reason why I should go back in when I just got out of the Maze.

        "If I don't have a purpose, why did I come back," I looked into the Maze. Should I dare? No...not yet...

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