Chapter 24-Med-Jacks can be wrong

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"B-Bridgette?" Both of the boys stuttered.

"I'm alive, right? I'm am alive, not dead? Please tell me I'm not dead, please please please please please," I said, sighing in relief and smiling after.

Newt smiled. Thomas chuckled.

"I can't believe your alive," Newt whispered.

"I could never leave you guys. Never in a million years," I spoke. "And next time, please believe that I will wake up and don't listen to stupid Med-Jacks. They don't seem to know what they are doing,"

"So you heard everything?" Thomas asked.

I nodded.

"Every single sound?" Newt asked.

I nodded again.

"Holy shuck," Thomas said.

The door of the room swung open, and Clint and Jeff walked in. When they saw me, they stopped.

"I'm not going crazy, right, man? The Greenie is alive, right?" Jeff spoke.

"Yep. I am alive," I replied.

"Holy klunk? What the shuck is going on here! She had literally no chance that she would wake up!" Clint said.

"Surprise!" I smiled.

Thomas and Newt laughed.

"So, please tell me you remember what happened," Thomas spoke.

I nodded.

"A Griever was chasing me and I reached a dead end so I climbed the vines and the vines actually reached the top so I started running on top of the wall but then the wall stopped and I kinda jumped because the Griever was right behind me," I explained.

"So y-you jumped..." Newt said, looking at me as if he might cry.

"I had no other choice! I didn't want to go through the Changing! I know we have those syringes but it just seems so painful," I said.

"Well at least your safe now. Your alive and that's all that matters," Thomas said.

"How's Alby?" I asked.

"Alive, but still going through the bloody Changing," Newt spoke.

"At least he's alive," I spoke.

"Yep. Good that," Thomas agreed.


Clint and Jeff allowed me to leave my room since I was awake. So I followed Newt and Thomas outside the door to Frypan's Kitchen.

"Bridgette! You're alive!" Chuck said, running up to me.

"Yep! I could never leave the amazing Chuck behind!" I laughed.

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