Chapter 5-Little Miss Runner

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"Runner? You want to become a Runner?" Minho laughed.

"Why are you laughing! I can handle it! Plus, I have way neater handwriting than you," I spat.

The day passed by quickly. I soon found myself arguing with Minho, the Keeper of the Runners, outside of the Mapping Hut.

"Who cares about handwriting. You can't run nearly as fast as us boys," Minho said.

"Doubt it," I fake coughed.

"Excuse me, shank?" Minho asked, crossing his arms.

"You heard me! I can run fast. Probably faster than you shanks," I spat.

"Go and leave the Glade now. Let me know if you survive," And with that, Minho (A.K.A. Mr. Sass Boy) walked into the Mapping Hut.

I stormed off replying "whatever".

"Hey, Bridgette! Whatcha doing?" Thomas said, dragging on the last syllable.

"What, Tom?" I asked, annoyed.

He held his hands up as if he was surrendering. "Sorry! I didn't do anything!"

"Mr. Sass Boy over there is annoying and won't let me be a Runner," I grumbled.

"Mr. Sass boy?" Thomas questioned with a laugh.

"Minho. That stupid slinthead is a jerk," I said, sending a glare to the Mapping Hut. 

"Why do you want to be a Runner so badly? It's dangerous and I don't think that would be best for you," Thomas said.

"Why does everyone in this shucking Glade have something shucking against me!" I yelled.

"We have nothing against you! We just ...don't think you can become a Runner," Thomas said, ruffling his hair. 

"Oh, please. Not you too." I mumbled. 

"Well..." Thomas said. "I...uh...personally think that you shouldn't become a Runner. Besides, what if you have a secret talent of cooking or something? Frypan could probably use the help." 

"Cooking? Really? I want to be out exploring the Maze. I want to help..." I paused, stopping myself from letting the little line of "I want to help you" out. If I did say it, he might get that I had feelings for him. I did, of course, I just...I wasn't here long enough to be able to have feelings for him. Even though I felt as if I had known him for long, it was just too soon. 

"Yeah, I know you do, but it's not as easy as you think. It's a lot of running and mapping and you have to memorize everything-" Thomas said. 

"I can handle being a Runner!" I cut him off. I stormed off, yet again, to my hammock. I know it was right near Thomas's hammock but I honestly didn't care. I just needed to get away from everyone.

"Hey, Bridge," I heard Newt say.

"What's with that nickname?" I asked.

"Do you not like it? It's short for Bridgette, so I thought I would call you it," Newt said. 

"Whatever. I don't really care," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"What's wrong, Bridge? You don't look fine," Newt said.

"What's shucking wrong with me!" I yelled to, well, no one really.

"Nothing, and whoever said that there was something wrong with you, I'll personally kick the klunk out of them," Newt said.

"Ha ha, very funny," I replied sarcastically.

"There's nothing wrong with you," Newt said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Then why won't Minho let me be a Runner? Why does Thomas think I can't become a Runner?" I asked Newt.

He just looked at me, a blank stare plastered on his face.

"I don't know," He said, his hazel eyes not meeting mine. It's almost as if ...he knew something.

"Newt, is there something your hiding?" I asked.

"N-no," Newt stuttered, his eyes growing wide.

"You are hiding something!" I objected.

"No. I am most certainly am not!" He said.

I raised am eyebrow at him. "Sure you aren't,"

"Hey! If you want to know so bloody badly, go ask Tommy yourself!" Newt said, quickly covering his mouth with his hand.

"Shuck..." He mumbled.

"So there is something you're hiding!" I yelled, smiling. There was something going on and I just had to find out what it was. I mean, it involved me so I deserve to know. 

"Forget what I said," Newt spoke.

"Nope! In fact, I'm going to ask Thomas right now!" I said, starting to walk away.

"No!" Newt wailed, grabbing my arm.

"What's so bad about asking him!" I wailed back.

"I'm not saying any more information," Newt said, crossing his arms.

"Please, Newt. Please!" I wailed, giving him the most adorable puppy eyes ever.

"No! Not the puppy eyes!" Newt said, covering his eyes.

"Tell me, Newt! What's the harm!" I said, laughing. 

"Nope. I promised Thomas that I wouldn't tell you. I promised him I wouldn't tell you," Newt said, over and over again.

"Tell me what? C'mon! It's not that bad to tell me," I said.

"Just go and ask him! I hate playing secret keeper!" Newt whines, as he leaves me alone.

•Newt's P.O.V.•

Holy shuck that was close. Why do I have to be a bloody secret keeper?

Bloody hell, Tommy. I'm gonna kill you someday.

I mean, I can't keep secrets from Bridgette! I mean, if Tommy wants to say something to her, don't tell me what to bloody say.

God damn it, Tommy. You definitely are not good with girls.

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