Chapter 20-Older Brother

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"It's going to be okay. I promise. Everything is going to change. But we will remember. We will complete this Variable. Just don't forget about me. Don't forget about me, your sister. Please..." I whispered to the boy who was being placed into the metal Box.

He was my brother's. My blonde haired, British brother. And when it was my turn to go into that Box, would he remember me? Would I remember him?

"Miss Bridgette. It's time," I heard a voice behind me. I nodded, and turned around away from the box.


I woke up from that crazy dream (I think it was a dream) and saw that it was only two in the morning or something like that because it was still dark out.

I was sleeping in my hammock till some shank got up and ran into the Woods. And being the slinthead I am, I followed the other Glader. Why? I have no shucking clue.

I glanced over at Tom, who was still asleep, and I quickly, but sneakily, followed the other Glader into the Woods.

"You're a bloody idiot, Bridgette. A bloody idiot," I cursed at myself.

But I had already reached the Woods and was inside. I waited by a tree, for a sound, for a notification, for a sight, but nothing really happened.

I started walking around, staring at the floor of the Woods. I didn't hear anything, until I heard a rustle of leaves.

I looked up, on alert, only to find Newt. He was pacing, but hasn't seen me yet.

He was muttering to himself and I decided to walk away because I was probably being a bloody shuckface. So I quietly walked away, but plans fail, and branches break...can you guess what happened?

"Who's there?" I heard the familiar British accent belonging to my friend. Damn you, branch.

I turned around and pretended I was just walking in the Woods and wasn't spying on him.

"Hi," I said, waving. "It's just me,"

"Oh...hi..." Newt said, calming down a little bit.

"It's crazy, ya know?" I said.

"What's crazy?" He asked.

"How we just kinda clicked, like became best friends when we first saw each other," I replied.

Newt fell silent and so did I. Did I say something? Did I just make it really really really weird? Holy shuck, I did, didn't I.

"Here's the thing, Brit. And don't think I'm bloody crazy as hell!" He said.

"I won't. I promise," I replied.

"I...I saw my dream," He said.

"And..." I said, hoping there would be more that he would tell.

"You said something like "don't forget about me, your sister". Bridgette, it was your bloody voice. And I would recognize a bloody female British voice that belonged to you in less than a second. Do you bloody think...maybe..." His voice trailed off.

I nodded. "Newt...I-I had a this dream and I was talking to you in this bloody lab thing and I said that exact same thing," I spoke.

"You're not bloody lying about this right?" He said.

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