Chapter 33-Suprise, suprise

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We...we were the Cure. I looked around seeing shattered glass and Ava Paige lying on the floor.

I didn't know what to do, what to say, what to feel. I felt a ping of sadness, and mostly feeling ashamed.

"Why were these people killed?" I thought.

I heard a click, followed by a door opening.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"I don't know." Thomas replied.

"She said we were the Cure..." Newt mumbled.

"Is this the part where we leave?" Chuck asked, looking up at me.

I looked around. "I guess..." I shrugged.

We all were ready to leave, when we all heard a familiar sound.

"No. We can't leave." We all turned around to see none other than Gally, holding a key in left hand, a gun trembling in his right hand.

"Gally?" I asked, walking a step towards him.

"Wait," Thomas said, holding me back. "He was stung."

"We can't leave," Gally repeated.

"Gally, we did. We're out," I said, as Gally held up the gun towards me. I placed my hands up in surrender.

"No. We can't leave, Bridgette." He said.

"Gally...we are out. Just put down the gun." Thomas said.

Chuck gave me a nervous glance. Minho tightened his grip on his spear.

Gally trembled, the gun still pointed at me.

"I belong to the Maze," He said, he shot the bullet, and Minho threw his spear. Chuck jumped in front of me, just as the spear impaled Gally in the stomach. Gally choked for breath, before crashing ever so slowly to the floor of the lab.

"Bloody hell," I thought.

"Bridgette..." Chuck said, I looked at him, as a giant red spot formed on his chest. He collapsed and fell to the floor.

"No. No Chuck," I said, holding back my tears.

He handed me something, a little wooden statue that he had carved.

"G-give this to my m-mom," He said.

"No, your gonna give this to her yourself, Chuck." I said, a tear sliding down my cheek.

He held his hand around my hand that was holding the little statue.

"T-tell her-" Chuck said, his hand falling cold.

"No..." I whispered, tear after tear falling. Thomas pulled me into a hug. Every Glader was crying; we were all a mess of tears.

                          Gally was dead. Chuck was dead. It wasn't fair to them.

                      I heard another door open and I turned my head to see people wearing black suits and black masks. They ushered us out of the room, but I could leave Chuck. There was no way I could just leave him there.

But as they pulled Thomas away from me, I soon found myself being pulled away from Chuck.

They pulled me outside into the bright sunlight; I closed my eyes to shield them from the brightness.

                      I looked around and saw only sand dunes, or fallen buildings.

                     The people pulled me to a helicopter, it's blades spinning as they shoved me inside with the others.

                     One of them jumped inside, closing the door behind him. He pulled down his mask, revealing himself. He was an older man, probably 50 or so, and he had long hair.

                          "Welcome to the Scorch. Your safe now," He spoke, smiling at us. I didn't believe him though.

                        The helicopter was off the ground and flew over what seemed like a big square building. Then it hit me, it was the Maze.

                        We all looked out the window, seeing the small square in the center, the Glade.

                        I placed my back on the back of the helicopter, wiping the tears out of my eyes. Thomas wrapped an arm around me, comforting me. I looked down at the small wooden statue in my hands, seeing it smothered in blood. I put my head on Thomas's shoulder.

                 He kissed the top of my head, and I soon fell asleep.


                  •Thomas's P.O.V.•

                  We were out. That was it. But, not all of us escaped. Chuck didn't make it, and he was the first person to talk to me without saying I screwed up.

                  I looked down at Bridgette, and smiled. At least I still had the girl that I loved.

                 After hearing Ava's video message, it's all kinda coming back to me. I remember arriving at Wicked and seeing Bridgette and being so scared that she wouldn't like me.

                     Well, that's the past now.

                      Goodbye, Glade, Maze, and the shucking Grievers. Peace out!

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