Chapter 29-Knowing the Past

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         •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

          I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Thomas stare down at me.

         "Hey, your awake," He said with a smile.

         I smiled up at him.

          "What the hell were you thinking?" I heard Chuck asked. I got up, seeing that Thomas and I were locked in the Slammer.

          "What's going on? Why are we in the Slammer?" I asked.

          "Gally's taken control," Newt said, his eyes not meeting mine.

          "But you're the Leader of the Glade now! Why is he in charge and you aren't?" I asked.

          "He has everyone convinced we are the problem," Thomas grumbled.

         "And anyone who disagrees with him gets banished at sundown with you," Minho said.

          "And you were okay with that?" I asked.

         "Of course we weren't!" Newt said. "I would never be okay when something bad happens to my sister!"

         "Thanks, Newt," I said. "So what has Gally been saying that caused us to get banished at sundown?"

          "The normal klunk," Chuck said.

          "Let me guess, everything bad started happening when we showed up?" I asked.

          "Yep," Minho spoke.

           "Well he's been right so far," I mumbled.

           "What are you talking about?" Thomas.

            "What do you mean?" Newt.

             "What the shuck is going on," Chuck.

             "This isn't what we thought it was. It isn't a prison. It's a test. It all started when we were little. They would give us challenges that eventually turned into this," I spoke. "And I of all the people should know. I-I worked with them. I'm one of them,"

            No one spoke.

            "So were you Tom," I said.

            "N-no! It c-couldn't be! I would never do that to my girlfriend and my best friends!" Thomas said.

            "What about me?" Newt asked. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I had done this to him. I had sent my brother up into the Glade. He didn't work with Wicked. He was only a Subject for Wicked.

            "No..." I whispered.

            Newt had a blank expression on his face, then it turned into disappointment.

           "This whole time, for three years, I was just helping send every shucking Glader into the Glade, not knowing what I was doing. One after the other, they just kept disappearing. Literally going into the bloody Box and disappearing. And this whole time, I've been on the other side of it," I said.

             "Hey, it's fine. None of this matters. The people we were are gone thanks to Wicked," Newt said.

              "How can it be okay, Newt! I did this to you! I sent you up here into the Glade and pretty much made my own brother suffer here for three years not understanding any of it! How can you not hate me?" I cried.

              "It's going to be fine. I didn't suffer, and that's the past now, Brit," He said. "And I would never be able to hate my own sister, no matter what you do,"

              "I don't understand how none of you can't hate me. I did this, we did this," I said, gesturing to Thomas. "How can you not hate us! We sent you into a living Hell,"

              "If it makes you feel better, Gally and his crew hate you," Minho said.

              "Not helping," Thomas said.

              I hugged my knees and cried into them in the corner of the Slammer.

             "I hate myself," I whispered.

             "Bridgette, it doesn't matter. Any of it. You found a way out! We could get out of this and be free," Newt said.

             "If it was a way out, Alby would still be alive," I said.

             Newt stiffened. Why the shuck did I just say that.

             "Maybe," He whispered. "But I know he would be telling you the same exact thing if he was. Pick your ass up and finish what you started, cause if you sit there and do nothing, that means Alby died for nothing, and I can't have that,"

              "So what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"We're going to get out of here," Minho said.

"Whether Gally likes it or not," Thomas said.

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