Chapter 23-News Travels Fast In The Glade

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           •Bridgette's P.O.V.•

            I'm still alive. I know I am. I'm alive. I have to still be alive. Med-jacks can be wrong, right?

            I'm still alive. I have to be. I am as alive as anyone in this entire Glade, just forced into a sleep that could kill me.


            •Thomas's P.O.V.•

           "Hey, Thomas," Chuck called over to me.

           "Hey, Chuck. What's up?" I replied.

           "Is it true?" Chuck asked.

           "Is what true?" I asked.

           "Is Bridgette gonna die like the Med-Jacks said?" He replied.

            I stiffened. "No. She will NOT die,"

            "Woah, geez. Calm the shuck down," Chuck said.

            "Fine. Fine. I'm calm," I said, cooling off a little bit. "How's Newt taking all of this?"

            "To be honest, I don't know. No has seen him since last night," Chuck said.

            "What now?" I ask, completely concerned.

            "No one has seen Newt. Not even Alby. The second in command has gone missing!" Chuck said.

             "No one has any clue to where he might be?" I asked.

             "Well...Alby has a theory...but no one likes it," Chuck spoke.

               "What do you think?" I asked.

                 "I don't know! He could've ran into the Maze! He could just be hiding somewhere! But I don't know!" Chuck yelled.

"He better not have gone into the shucking Maze!" I yelled.

"Thomas. I have no clue where the heck Newt is. Go find him for yourself," Chuck said, shoving me off.

No one knew where Newt was. And that was not good.


•Newt's P.O.V.•

Last night, the Med-Jacks told pretty much everyone in the Glade that Bridgette had pretty much 0% chance of surviving. 0%! That saying she's gonna die in a coma!

I can't have her die! She's my sister. But there was one part of me saying that Med-Jacks are right all of the time when it comes to injuries like this. I mean, they are Med-Jacks. It's not like it's Gally saying that.

           But if it's true, which I have no clue if it is at this point, I kinda just disappeared for awhile in the forest. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't do anything. My sister was in a bloody coma and the Med-Jacks said she won't survive.

             I am really wishing for a miracle right now.


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