Chapter 4-The Bloody Tour

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I woke up in the middle of the night, screaming in my mind. I was dying in the Maze and Thomas had to witness it. I would never be able to get that out of my mind. I was never in the Maze, but I could picture it perfectly. It seemed like a nightmare I had a while ago before I woke up in that bloody Box just yesterday.

I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight. I had to get the image out of my mind and it slowly left.

When morning came, I was gently shaken awake by Thomas, who had to leave for the Maze since he was a Runner.

"Bridgette, come on. Wake up. Newt wants to give you a tour." Thomas whispered.

"Why can't you give me the tour?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes.

"Cause I've got a job to do," Thomas said.

"Yea, a job of giving me a tour." I laughed.

"I'll be back," Thomas whispered, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear. I smiled, before getting up from my hammock.

"Are you ready?" I heard Newt ask.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

We walked off towards the Walls. We then reached a part of the Wall where all of the Gladers names were.

"Here," Newt said handing me a small knife. "Engrave your name, then you'll be a true Glader."

I smiled and took the knife from his hand. I started engraving it, right next to Thomas's name on the Wall.

It was about time everyone started getting lunch when Newt finished his tour.

"So, what'd ya think?" He asked.

"Three years you've been here. Three years?" I asked.

"Yep, three years," Newt said, in a little disappointing tone.

"That's horrible," I spoke. I couldn't believe that it had been three bloody years that they all had to be stuck there.

"Think of it this way. If we had already left the bloody Maze, then I wouldn't have met Tommy, and you wouldn't meet Tommy, and I wouldn't meet you, so now I have friends." Newt said with a smile.

"It's kind of hard not being your friend," I replied.

He gave me a smile.

"Oh, did you figure out what you wanted to be or try first?" Newt said.

"Runner?" I asked with a smile.

Newt stopped smiling.

"No. You're not being a Runner." He said sternly.

"But I want to be!" I complained.

"But-" Newt started.

"You asked what I wanted to try first, and I have you my answer. Run-ner." I stated.

"Fine, I'll talk to Minho about it," Newt said. "But no promises."

"Thank you!" I said, a giant smile forming across my face.

"Your welcome, now go and get some lunch," Newt said, shooing me off.

I grabbed some food from Frypan and looked for a place to sit. Of course, Chuck was waving me over like a madman. So I held my tray and walked over to him.

"How's the Greenie doing?" Chuck asked with his mouth full of food.

"Perfectly fine," I replied.

"How's you and Thomas?" Chuck asked with a laugh.

"What the bloody hell? Chuck, you know this is my second day here and so far, I know four Gladers: Thomas, Newt, you and Gally. Hell, I don't even know you guys that well!" I said.

"Well, I just thought since you ran off together. I just didn't know if you two" Chuck said.

"We. Are. Not. A. Thing!" I yelled, pausing in between words.

"Sure you aren't," Chuck said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes.

"Just letting you know, if a Griever is chasing after us, and it's just the two of us, I will literally push you down and use you as bait so I won't get hurt," I said.

"S-sorry..." Chuck mumbled, looking down at his food.

"Aww, is Chucky scared of big bad Bridgette?" I cooed.

"No! Well...maybe..." He spat.

All I could do was laugh.

"Looks like you're getting along well, Greenie," I heard the familiar voice belonging to Alby behind me. I turned around and smiled.

"Yep, getting along real well. Everyone is so nice to me and I like that," I replied. "It's like I was meant to meet everyone,"

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