Chapter 16-Searching

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        •Thomas's P.O.V.•

        I had ran my whole entire Section, searching for Bridgette. Where the shuck was she?

       I ran back into the Glade, fifteen minutes earlier than I normal do, and starting looking for her there.

       I literally had checked everywhere! I even asked Minho what Section he had given her this morning and he said that he never saw her!

      "Hey, Tommy! You're back early," Newt said walking up to me.

      "Have you seen Bridgette?" I asked my friend.

      "Didn't she go into the bloody Maze?" He asked.

      "Minho never saw her this morning. Do you think she quit or something?" I asked.

      "I don't know. She doesn't seem like she would quit," Newt replied.

      "I've got to shucking find her," I said, looking around EVERYWHERE.

      Fifteen minutes had passed and the Doors were closing. Minho came back, but said he didn't see Bridgette in the Maze.

      I was panicking worse than I was before, searching everywhere for my Bridgette. I saw Gally, but thought he didn't want to be included in this. He had a plate of food as he walked to the Builder's Hut...hmm...would she be in there? I would check there when everyone was asleep.


        Soon enough, a couple hours later, every Glader was asleep. I got up and dashed, literally sprinted, to the Builder's Hut. I opened the door, walking inside.

        The Builder's Hut was a mess, with their tools all over the place. I looked around for my girlfriend, to find no one but the darkness in the hut.

        "Bridgette?" I whispered. "Are you here?"

        I looked around, spotting a locket closet. What could the Builder's need a closet locked for? So I unlocked it, opening the door, which showed my girlfriend, huddled in the corner, completely mortified.

       "Bridgette?" I asked, walking into the closet.

       "Thomas," She said, and got up from her spot. She wrapped her arms around my neck, crying.

       "'s's okay, Bridgette," I said, holding her. "I'm assuming Gally hid you here,"

       She nodded.

       "He said that I was curious and that he can't have curiosity in his Glade, when it isn't even his," Bridgette said.

      "Hey! What are you doing here?" Someone barked behind me.

      Bridgette have a scared look and I immediately knew who it was: Gally.

       "G-Gally..." Bridgette stuttered.

      "I told you not to yell for anyone or else!" Gally barked at her.

      "Gally-" I started.

      "Stay out of this, Shank," He simply replied.

"What do you want?" Bridgette asked him, a scared look still on her face.

"I want you to not be here," Gally said.

"Well we didn't choose to be sent here," I said.

"You should both be banished," Gally said, taking a step towards me.

Next thing I know, I'm shoved to the ground. I'm stunned at first, but I leap back up and punch him.

"What are you trying to do, Thomas? Trying to make me look weak?" Gally evilly chuckles, throwing a punch back at me.

At this point, my jaw is bruised and Gally has a cut lip.

We keep throwing punches at each other, waiting for one of us to fall.

"Stop fighting!" Bridgette yelled, stepping in between us. I stopped, but Gally threw one last punch...


•Bridgette's P.O.V.•

I stepped in between the fighting boys. Thomas stopped, but Gally threw one last my face...

I fell backwards, totally not expecting it. Gally ran out of the Hut, and Thomas was at my side within 0.0000001 seconds.

"Bridgette, oh my god...I will so kill Gally," Thomas said.

"Tom, I'm fine," I said standing up.

But the truth was, I wasn't fine. I was starving and my eye hurt like bloody shuck!

"You have a flipping black eye!" Thomas said.

"I-I do?" I asked, touching around my right eye and wincing from the pain.

"Let's get you to the Med-Jacks," Thomas said.

"...third time in a week..." I mumbled.


Morning came quickly, with sunshine, good temperatures to run in, and a small shower of Gladers asking me what the heck happened to my eye. It started with Newt.

"Bridgette! What happened to your eye?!" He said when I first walked over to the Doors. Then Minho spoke.

"Bridgette, you got Section...oh my god..." Minho said when he first saw me. "What the shuck happened?" Then when I came back, almost every single Glader was asking me the same thing: "What happened to you eye?"

I know I'm fabulous boys, but come on! I don't need this much paparazzi!


•Gally's P.O.V.•

And another week in the Slammer for me! Yay...that was sarcasm...

If you hit a girl, in the face, with your fist, causing her to have a black eye, you get thrown in the Slammer...for a week...


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