67 ☠️

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"Y/N," Jeongin attempted softly one last time to get me to listen, and yet I couldn't even react. Not a tear, not a nod, not even a blink. His entire face right above my head was a complete haze, only vague lines of his face visible. "Forget it, she's won't answer," Minho answered. "Just lift her to the safe zone, we have no idea for how long we'd get to stay here without everything going up in flames again," he added right after, already walking up to it's door. Chan came up beside Jeongin, giving him two taps on the shoulder before indeed lifting me up, one arm supporting my back, the other holding my legs, holding me closer to his chest, and yet I couldn't care less right now. I couldn't seem to care about anything.

Even if I would get out of here, of which the chances were starting to drop already, I wouldn't be able to get away from home. I had no money to start anew, no money to live another life, free of abuse, worries, pain. Maybe not getting out of here wasn't that bad after all. At least the pain would be over. I wouldn't have to worry for my life, it would simply be over. Should I just let myself be used so at least the other's can get out? Maybe then I would have finally been of use, free from the judgement. Maybe that was for the best for now. At least I would have done some good in my life. Accomplished something other than being a punchbag and a sex doll. Maybe I'd save a life, maybe two. Would I die a hero that way? If I sacrificed myself for the rest? That sounded nice...

Chan and Changbin had been awfully quiet the past while we'd been here. Even our moodmaker Jeongin couldn't cheer them up, himself too distraught to even try to look happy. How could he, two of his teammates just died. And yet, it was as if the switch already flipped inside them all. That they had to move on. How? How did they do that? How could they just move on like that? My entire world stood still, crashed down, and yet they already continued. Even though you could see the sadness in their eyes, I almost wondered if they were even human.

"Guys, the fire," Minho shouted, now opening the door to the safe zone. Like before getting here, fire already started spreading through the rooms one by one. Thankfully this time we were all able to escape quickly, as everyone already prepared to leave beforehand. Chan quickly carried me in, Minho shutting the door after us lastly, though we actually had some leeway this time. Chan put me down again soon after, on a surprisingly soft surface. Even with my blurry vision, this already looked a lot better than our first safe zone. Where that was small, dark, empty and quite frankly creepy, things seemed to slowly progress for the better. Though it still wasn't much, this could actually be a one room apartment. There were more colors, the red royal theme from the playrooms seeming to stick, as well as an actual wall and door for the shower and bath, along with a change of clothes for all, along from a fridge with food to stock up on and two identical couches, of which one I was now laying on.

"I'll run the bath for her, you guys rest up okay?" Chan told the others, already disappearing into the bathroom. The room once again grew awfully quiet, all silently doing their thing, whether that was sitting down to finally rest, try to comprehend what had happened before, finally eat up, go to the toilet, or just seek comfort amongst each other. Though they truly were all already seeming to prepare for the rest of the journey, I think it was slowly dawning upon them that things had now drastically changed. For started, stating the obvious, the money, or the fact that they had just lost two precious friends, but now the mood as well. It was going to be a lot harder to keep hope up now.

Even Jeongin made that obvious, not even trying to smile. Though I did feel sorry for him, knowing the earlier revealing with Hyunjin was most definitely still bugging him too, as the two were now further apart than I'd seen them ever before. Whereas Jeongin was sitting with Changbin, Hyunjin was on his own, still only staring blankly to the ground. I tried closing my eyes, but all I could see was the blood splattered on the ground, immediately makin them open again. Having my eyes feel like burning was better than imagining all Seungmin had gone through. I finally learned the truth about Felix's death as well. Chan told Minho and Jisung as the water was running to fill the tub, who questioned him about it. He even told the two about Felix's past, especially with his mother. It didn't take long to click the mushrooms Felix had to take during the game must have been poisonous too, given Minho was completely fine without taking them. Dying the same way you poisoned someone else was truly... something, whether it was tragic or simply karma.

Both Chan and Changbin blamed themselves badly, and I didn't even know if I wanted to as well, or blame this entire game, and the one who made this, for making such a sick and twisted thing as this. I finally pushed myself to get up, helping myself to the bathroom. I took out a new set of clothes from the closet, then locking the bathroom door behind me without a word or even a glance. With my face completely drained off any life, I finally took off the bloody clothes, watching them paint the floor to match the color theme. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about it. I carefully got in, making sure the water was both high enough, and not too hot or cold. I let my head sink under completely, holding my breath for as long as I could, bubbles arising as I let out the breath I'd been holding in. It felt... nice. Have everything around you muffled, the feeling of knowing you exist, and yet feeling everything completely shut out. Like you're living in a void.

And that's when all came out; the screaming, the crying, the pent up rage I had kept in not just from now, but from all these years.

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