4)Touch her and you get a broken wrist

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Senior year.

Also, the final semester of my fucking high school life. After this, I'd be free to roam about the world cause... Jack could afford it. He was the CEO of Phoenix, a clothing brand, and that meant the cash flow was steady and heavy. Even with all that money, I never saw him bring home any girl, which was quite odd given his looks and status.
Could it be that mom broke his heart into unrepairable pieces?

"Hey?" Daisy, one of my close friends, whispered.

The dining hall was quite noisy, but I heard her from the sharp elbow she drilled into my ribs.

I put my phone down.

Daisy had the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. Her red hair flowed down her tiny face in waves, giving her an unique beauty.
She was mostly a bully magnet because boys just like making fun what they can't have.

"Paul is staring at you."
My eyes quickly dashed to where Daisy was pointing at discreetly. I sucked in breath in my stomach as my curious gaze collided with Paul who was seated with three other jocks like himself. He didn't even look away even when he was caught, instead, he flashed a grin.

The noise died down a little in my mind as we stared back and forth, waiting for the loser to look away first. But he kept on staring...hard.

Fuck it!

I shot up from the bench and walked past a few tables, all while caging his eyes.
When I finally got to him, I sat on the table, right next to his food and crossed arms under my breasts. His friends starting cheering for him, encouraging him to smash that invisible tug-of-war.

"Pull out." I ordered.

Paul got up in a sensual manner. His hands slid on the table at either sides of my hips, his tall frame bent forward till our foreheads touched.
I panicked.
Sure I was always the bold and outspoken girl, but I wasn't used to having any male that close. He looked like he was about to kiss me any second.

"Shouldn't it be in so it can be pulled out?" He made a sexual joke that stirred my rage.

"Get the fuck away from me."

"Ha! Funny, cause, you brought yourself to me."

He advanced closer with the intent of actually kissing me. I remembered all the defense lessons Jack used to teach me and sent a knee arrowing right up his groin.

The students around us suddenly let a string of surprised 'whooa's and gasps as Paul doubled over, groaning in pain.
I jumped off of the table and was ready to run out that spot when a hand grabbed my arm and tugged me ruthlessly. It was a furious Paul.
He glared at me, raised his hand in the air, ready to slap me.

I didn't cower, Jack only ever taught me to be brave. Bring it on! My eyes dared him.

Just when he was about to slap me, Daisy dashed in and held on to his hand with both of hers. "Are you really going to hit a girl?" She screamed.

"What gives her the right to hit me?" Paul growled. His other hand had let go of my arm while fighting to free the one in Daisy's grip.

"Daisy! Let's go." I cried pushing my way past Paul, feeling vulnerable even though I had just put on a brave face.
I hadn't realized the other students surrounding us, yet none of them had tried to stop Paul except for my best friend. Bless her heart.

"This isn't over!" Paul yelled as I squeezed my way through the crowd. God knows how badly I wanted to cry yet I couldn't cause I would be letting Jack down.

***. ***. ***.

"Anything exciting on the first day of your final semester?"

My thoughts were drawn out of the void and back to the breakfast table. Since it was always just the two of us, we never used the dining room and instead had all our meals in the kitchen.


"You sure?"

I sighed, then raised my gaze at him. There was concern lurking behind that blue pair, as well as a fierce spark. He usually had that spark when I hid something from him.
I can't tell you, not tonight.

"Honestly, nothing happened. Just a normal day with normal students doing normal things." I smiled.

He twisted his fork in the noodles mercilessly, but his eyes remained on me. Could he tell that I was lying?

***. ***. ***.

The silence of being alone in class after everyone had rushed out was calming. It was only a short break, but played a big role.

As I watched the sky filled with floating cottons, an undeniable smile crossed my lips. Nature, so beautiful even in its darkest state like a tornado.

"Annie! Annie!" Her voice pierced my ears before she burst through the door, kicking it like she owned the school.
Daisy ran in, a cheerful smile on her face while carrying a little purple box.

I was so curious at this point.
"Jeez! Calm down. What with all the fus-"

"Shut up and...listen." Daisy panted placing the box on my desk.
"Paul... Paul..."

"Daisy! Could please breathe? You are panting like a dog."

"Ha! Ha! You're the bitch."

I rolled my eyes to her joke slash sarcasm.

"Paul asked me to give you this. He said that he is really sorry for yesterday."

I studied the box without touching it. "Why can't he give it to me in person?"

Daisy chuckled. "Probably because both his wrists are broken."

I gasped, eyes growing into round balls.
Not again!

"Ho-how did that ha-happen?" I tried to keep my composure.

Daisy threw her long hair back with a 'who-cares-attitude' but answered me all the same. "He said some thugs robbed him then beat him, breaking his hands in the process. This is karma baby!" Daisy rejoiced.

All I could do was frown. More like Jack the karma.

Paul was mostly an ass, but he needed his hands for the schoolwork. It was our final semester.

Deep down, I had a hint of whom might have done that to him. A similar incidence had occured when I was thirteen. I had been bullied while in a summer party, and the poor kid ended up with a broken wrist.
There was only one culprit...


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