18)A deal with Paul

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        "If you keep these bad habits, this might be more frequent!" Jack pointed. His hand was busy rubbing some ointment on my sore cheek while I laid flat on the sofa.
My eyes were wet from the agony swirling inside my body. But the reminder of Jack actually taking care of the mess he had caused took away some of that pain.

   His swept his hand on my butt cheek, but this one time, his pinky slid and brushed between my labia. My body vibrated to that single touch as if someone had just shocked me.

"Gawd Annie! That was an accident!"

     I had nothing to say.
Heck! I didn't know what to say or how to feel. So I opted to bury my face on a cushion to avoid the confrontation.

   "Shit!" Jack growled darting off of the sofa. "Fuuuuck!" He cursed again.

Keep your head down! You're not ready for this conversation Annie.
My sensible voice was right. I mean, Jack just touched my pussy. Even if it was for a slight second, he did. And I was dead sure he had felt the wetness from earlier.

   As the seconds ticked away, the sound of his heavy footsteps faded up the stairs, beckoning me to pull my head back and take a deep breath.

   "It just happened! It just happened!" I squealed in shock while hugging the cushion for dear life.

***.               ***.                 ***.    

          Chemistry class.

We'd been asked to pick a partner for the period. It'd have been a great chance to talk to Daisy about my recent incidences, but I couldn't take my eyes off of Paul.

He hadn't said anything...yet. But the worry of him talking to anyone about what happened in the garage gave the  jitters. I hadn't slept well the previous night, too restless to allow myself to think.

     "Do you mind?"
I asked coming at him from the back.

The male turned. "What do we have here? I always felt there was more to-"

   "Keep it down!" I hissed throwing my eyes around us for anyone listening to our conversation. "I need to talk to you!"

He leaned down and into my ear. "If you want your secret safe then you'll have to do something in return."
  I sucked a single breath, ready to dive in dangerous waters for the sake of peace.
       "What do you want?"

Paul straighted before taking a step back, welcoming me to be his partner.

   I glared at his smirking handsome face.

***.                ***.               ***.    

My hand was trembling as I pushed in the door open. Jack would go ballistic once he set his eyes upon the person walking behind me.
        "He's not here?" Paul enquired as I shut the door when he walked in the house. His eyes ran over every detail and corner of the lounge, then on the stairs.

  "Why do you care if he's home?"

He laughed brushing off my question.
"This way, we'll use the dining room."

I started leading the way, but Paul didn't move a step, prompting me to turn around.

He threw his eyes upstairs in a quick dash, indicating where he wanted to go.
    "No-uh! We came here to study, remember?"

Paul huffed in amusement.
  He room short steps at me, eating up the space that had been between us. "And you agreed to be my girlfriend, remember?" He whispered lowering his face to mine.

I remained frozen, struggling to maintain control and not kick his balls again.

     Just as he was about to kiss me, a door shut from upstairs, making me jump backwards. Paul frowned, but not like he could force me to do anything with Paul around.

There were no footsteps to be heard, Jack must have been wearing his house slippers. I had picked a blue fluffy pair to match my purple pair last month. He always wore them whenever he had the chance, which seemed to make me happy.

   He showed up. The long hair was tied up in a low ponytail, and his beard was gone. I peeled my eyes wider, thinking something was wrong with my vision. But no, he had really done away with the gorgeous beard.

I continued studying him, he wore my favorite sweatpants, the black ones that I always thought made him look super hot.
   For his t-shirt, he had chosen a white one that was branded 'NY' in bold black letters.

     He looks like a god descending from Mt Olympus.

       "You?" Jack frowned at Paul.
"What's he doing he-"

   "Oh I came to visit my girlfriend's house." Paul retorted proudly.

"Annie!" Jack growled. His blazing sapphire eyes fell on me and at that moment, I knew I'd face the consequences later.

   "We came to complete an assignment Jack nothing more." I explained nervously. My gripped the straps of my backpack like they would save my life.

   "He can go study elsewhere!"

"Why? Will I be interrupting something?" Paul sneered taking a step at Jack. The two came face to face, breathing fury upon each other like bulls in a ring.
  If they were about to fight, I swear I'd hide in the kitchen till it was over. I was not ready for another phobia attack.

      "What could you possibly interrupt?"

"I don't know. Maybe what happened in the garage?"

Jack snorted rudely darting me a quick glance.

   "I see that your legs are working perfectly fine. It'd be a shame if you started attending school in a wheelchair."

I saw Paul's face go white. He knew he stood no chance of winning against Jack in a fight.
    "If you dare lay a finger on me again I'll...I'll make you pay!"

Jack went ahead and poked his index finger on Paul's chest, shoving him backwards. "How much will you make me pay?"

     Do something!

What exactly?

Before my sensible voice could pitch any idea, I ran to stand in between them.
   "Will you two stop this?" I cried dashing each a stabbing glare.

Without expecting it, Jack grasped my arm and hauled me to himself. A gasp escaped my lips to the sudden pull and when my body smothered against his.

   "Annie is not your girlfriend. Never will be!" The beast beside me roared angrily.

   "Because she's yours?"

I quickly pushed Jack to free myself. The only reason I had agreed to dating Paul was to avoid the little flicker between me and Jack which my classmate was obviously suspected. And Jack's actions were only proving that there really was something.

   "I was high that day!" I yelled at Paul. "Don't go making conclusions that are baseless!"

   Both zipped up to my explosion.

It went so quiet that I could hear my own pulse.

   "Good. Now if you two want to fight, please take it outside because I will not clean up after you two mess this house!" My final yell before I stormed away from them and up the stairs.


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