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***3rd POV***

He looked down at the redness of his palm as the cold water poured down on it.
If he was feeling this kind of itching from the spanking, he could only imagine how painful it must have been on Annie.

The blue pair lifted to the mirror.
His reflection screamed how much he had lost control.

He hadn't meant to punish Annie, no!

But when he grabbed that ass, he just couldn't control himself. The only way he would have avoided looking like a sexual predator was by covering up his lusty desires with the 'punishment'. It had worked quite well. But all the ass spanking had left him hard as granite along with a pair of blue balls.

He groaned running a hand through his hair. "Fucking tart!"

***. ***. ***.


The diamonds glimmered beautiful behind the glass casing. They yearned for attention, screamed for admiration.

I had a thing for diamonds, but not the ridiculously huge ones, no. Just small-sized diamonds on bracelets or necklaces. I never wore rings or earrings even though Jack always insisted on buying me a matching set. While I opted to keep the necklaces and bracelets, I had a habit of giving the earrings to Daisy. But I always made sure I buy her a different gift.

Jack had walked out of the room to pick up a call, leaving me with the wolves ready to tear me apart with their judgemental gazes. The older women busy buying their jewellery just couldn't help but dart me questioning eyes as I moved from one side to the other.

The attendants didn't bother the least. Jack and I were among their regular customers, so seeing us together wasn't that big of a deal.

As I was staring at this simple silver necklace with a heart-shaped diamond hanging from it, a hand from behind quickly shoved something in the pocket of my black trenchcoat.
I whirled around and saw a blonde woman in her fifties moving away from me to stand next to the casings in the middle of the room.

Had she stolen a piece of jewelry and put it in my pocket to label me a thief?

Even though the era had changed, experiencing racism wasn't that uncommon. I had gotten used to the fact that some people are just complete assholes who judge someone purely by their skin.

My hand fished out the foreign thing in my pocket...a note.

'Blink three times if you need help.'

Not this again! Oh gawd!
Why did people always think that Jack has abducted me? Couldn't a man and a girl have a normal relationship other than sexual slavery?

But then again, I understood that her concern was totally genuine given the high number of girls that are kidnapped and sold off.

Wearing a sweet smile, I walked up to her and gently slid the note back in her hand. "Thank you, honestly. But he is my...dad." Gawd! Why had it been so difficult uttering that word?

Because you've never seen him as one.
Fair point.

She took my hands. "Are you sure? I saw you two arguing outside."

I widened the grin, wishing she could lessen the touching. I hated strangers putting their hands on me.
"I can show you pictures of us. He's really not a bad person."

"Oh! Then why is a teenager doing here at this hour?"

Pull up! Now she was being too judgemental.

I took back my hands and briefed another fake smile. My lips would need a massage from all those smiles.
"Um...he has a date, I'm here to um...help him pick something for her."

"If that's the case then-"
"Annie?" His voice interrupted, just as his hand slid around my waist.

The woman's eyes fell on Jack's hand, then at my face.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no!" I answered looking up at him.

The two exchanged a strange glance before Jack led me away.
"Why would you be so comfortable with strangers?" Jack demanded as we stopped near one of the attendants point.

"Mr Raynatt! Good to see you again!" Beamed the attendant, Mr White. His wife had passed on about a month ago, it was such a surprise seeing him back to work after such a tragedy. But then again, life has to move on regardless of what happens eh?

"She was just being nosy!" I answered Jack through gritted teeth to make sure Mr White didn't hear me.

He pinched my waist before answering Mr White's greetings.
"Always lovely to see your face Sam."

Mr White gazed at me. "What do we get our fair lady tonight?"

"Number sixteen!" I blurted before Jack could say something stupid.

Putting on a professional smile, Mr White left to go get me the necklace.

"What did she say to you?"

"Jack!" I cried lowly. "She's still watching us. Could you not make it obvious that we're fighting?"

"This is none of her business. Now what did she-"

"She asked if I needed help, is that enough?"

He went quiet, only looked at me as what seemed like pity crossed his face. The anger that had been hiding in his tone died.
"I'm sorry!" Jack apologized before averting his eyes to the glass shelves behind the counter.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked confused.

"This happens to you all the time."
He sounded disheartened. And it killed me hearing him speak that way. So I took his arm and hugged it, making sure that the woman saw everything.

"I don't care about them. It's only been you and me for a loooong time." I smiled at his face.

I had done that to appease him and the woman, but it made me realize that I actually meant every word. He had been there for me all the time, unlike my mother who had never cared to even call.

"You're more than my guardian, you're my best friend. And I'll forever be in your debt."

I heard him chuckle.
Then he turned fully to face me. "I'm yours to command Little kitty."

I laughed at the cheesy nickname from when I was thirteen. He hadn't used it in over two years. Yet it still sounded cute as before.

***Note; please check out my other book, Haven and Chaos a chance. It's also an agegap romance book(25/2/24)

AngelaOnyari ; ❤

RaveReyna; ❤️





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