38) Kiss away your anger

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I took a sip from my mug, eyes fixed on the piece of blueberry pie watching me pitifully. Did it yearn to be eaten, or was it sorry about Daisy's cruel words?

She had even called me a princess.
A princess!

The silence between us was awkward to a point I couldn't stand it anymore.

Without saying a thing and feeling confused as hell, I fetched a note from my pocket and placed it under the mug. It was a hundred dollar note, but my disoriented brain had no time to think about anything else other than the mess whirling in there.

Daisy was staring to her left, her blue eyes teary and her cheeks flushed from rage.

I didn't want to talk to her at that moment, so I slid off my chair as my hand picked up my phone.

There was no goodbye or anything, I just left. Left wearing an emotionless face while a secret struggle went on behind my eyes. The hurtful tears were pounding to be let lose.
But I couldn't show her how much her words had affected me. I pulled on my strong personality, walked confidently till I was in the car.
There, I let go of my emotions without caring about the driver. It wasn't in his place to interfere with my life anyway. He was very professional, refrained from even looking at me through the rearview mirror to just pass me a box of tissues.

Which I was grateful for because my crying turned to ugly sobs, using up almost all the tissues.

"Should I take you home?" His voice came, urging me to pull myself together.

I gazed up to the mirror, noticed he was staring right ahead on the partially empty road.How sweet of him.


"Where to?"

Even with my brain in a mesh, I could think of two places that could comfort me...my old house and the aquarium.

"Take me to-"

The ringing of his phone interrupted me.

"Sorry miss, boss is calling." He informed before putting on his left ear bud. "Hello Sir!"

I frowned, sulking on my seat with my arms crossing over my chest. Him again! From the moment Daisy blabbed about someone trying to keep my ass safe, I knew right away it had to be Jack.

"I understand Sir..." Silence. "Yes..." Silence. "She is... Okay. She'll be there!"
When he pulled out the earbud, it marked the end of their conversation.

"What has he asked you to do?"

For the first time since I stepped in the car, our gazes met on the rearview mirror. "I'm taking you to Blue Aquarium."

"He-he asked you to take me there?"
I asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" He gave a firm answer and threw all his concentration on the road and his flawless driving.

How could I be so mad at someone that knew my thoughts and feelings? Jack knew the aquarium was the one place I loved to visit when I was stressed or angry. And he had remembered it now.

He knew I was angry.

Don't let this small gesture derail you. He has to explain Daisy's revelation.

Of course! No matter how moved I was, Jack still had to answer a lot of questions.

As I walked in the square building, I noticed the gray clouds from the previous day. They seemed darker and haunting today. A bit terrifying, but, I still ignored them and dashed in.

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