49)A hot ass or a hot shower?

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                ****3rd POV****

The restaurant Beatrice had picked was quiet and less crowded, yet not too fancy. God knows how much she was struggling to save her money for her son's fees.
     She stared at the glass menu blankly while her right hand brought up the glass of red wine to her lips subconsciously.

Would he show up?

Beatrice was a bit skeptical of him actually agreeing to this meetup.

But her doubts were scattered when a manly cologne hit her nostrils as a figure in a black suit slid on the chair opposite hers.

Their eyes met and a chill immediately shot down Beatrice's spine. This was the first time she was facing him alone. And there was this intimidating aura around him...a typical Mafia boss, Beatrice thought.

     "Mr, Raynatt." She faked a smile.

Jack's left corner of his mouth tugged up slightly, amused by Beatrice's dedication. He knew she was still interested in the grave hidden up on the hills of Halo among other graves that held much significance to Jack.


"Thank you for coming."
Her voice was a little wavering, but the loathe in her eyes was stronger, dispersing all the fear within her.

   "I was just hungry." Jack stated dismissing her as he made himself comfortable on his seat.

"Please, order anything. It's on me."

Jack laughed leaning backwards, his blue eyes trained strictly on the detective slash officer. He had to admit, he did admire her resilience. Even after the accident he caused, this damned woman was still hot on his tail. Jack was starting to look forward to whatever trick she should play next.

    As their eyes weighed each other, a waiter came around. She wasn't just an employee, she was one of Shadows.
They exchanged a brief glance before she let charming words flow from her lips.

    "What can I get you this evening?" Her attention was now on Beatrice who had for a second, forgotten about actually ordering food. Her goal was to observe Jackson as much as she could.

So much that even when their food was brought, she still studied him.

   "People might think you're in love with me." Jack said pulling on a smug.
He wiped his lips in a manner that could be termed as sexy even though he was unaware. But Beatrice noticed, and she judged him for it.

Don't try to seduce me you piece of shit.

"You're the last person I would even think of falling for."

   Jack laughed, still finding entertainment from all the hate Beatrice was radiating. He barely knew her, had the least contact with her, yet her loathe felt like it had been bottled up for a lifetime.
Jack wasn't one to believe in reincarnation but why the fuck was this female after him at the risk of her life? How badly had he wronged her in their last lifetime?

  You might have abandoned her with ten kids. His thoughts made fun of him.

"Why am I here? Certainly not for a date."
Jack teased.

     "Don't be so full of yourself, Jack!"

The male shrugged softly, though curious if she did find him attractive at all. If so, he could just use his seduction card and put her in the past.
        No, wait.
    He couldn't do that anymore.
He now belonged to Annie and Annie alone.
That would now be termed as...cheating.

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