42) A taste of jealousy

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****Note; some exciting news, so I entered the book in the wattys this year. Wish me luck and, continue supporting this author. Happy reading.😊😊***


The pain originating from my left arm worsened when I tried pulling the covers off of my Annie. Even though the bullet had only slashed and not penetrated his arm, it still hurts as hell. No amount of stitches or pills could stop the fucking pain from attacking.

I sighed.
My eyes then fell on Annie as she peeked at me. Her brown pair was wide and so adorable, making me forget the pain for a second.

Her words were too naive. She wanted me to strip and then masturbate in front of her?

If any other girl had spoken such a bizarre thing, it'd have been ten hot slaps from Angela(one of my bodyguards). But it was Annie freaking Raynatt. My 'horny little devil'? Ha!
This new name sounded quite sexy.

"Why are you staring at me?" Annie squealed pulling the covers over her head once more.
I loved how sometimes she was bold as a lion then shy as a squirrel the next second.

The memory of our first kiss brought a genuine smile to my lips. It had been the cutest thing I had ever experienced. And coming from someone like me whose sex history went back for over two decades held a lot of weight.

"I'm staring at my beautiful, horny little devil."

"Eew! That's sounds so cliche." Annie protested in what sounded like a muffled voice.

I chuckled.

"Come on, let's get you back on the bed."

Ignoring my hurting arm, I started scooping Annie, along with the duvet she was using as a shield to hide from me. She wriggled, hoping to free herself, but I didn't let go till I was on my feet.
Like a cocoon, her body covered by the duvet fell on the bed after my arm gave in.

My groan was weak, hopefully she hadn't heard it.

"You'll pay for that!" Annie cried kicking the duvet off of her. Without anticipating it, she left herself almost naked. The ochre silk night dress had ridden all the way to her tummy, leaving her lower half bare for my eyes.

My beastly twins savaged over the sight and a familiar heat started bubbling from my groin.

I had to look away, had to be the first to retreat for Annie seemed way too comfortable lying there.

"You should um...go to...to sleep."

As if her senses were just snapping back she pulled the duvet over her body and grinned shyly.

My arm ached again, reminding me that I had to get the hell away from Annie lest she notices the bandage under the sleeve of my jacket.

You can't hide everything from her forever. You need to tell her.

The truth?
How would I even start?
Where would I start?

The part where I got her mother killed, or the part where I recruited her childhood friend into being one of her invisible protectors?
I know some of the choices I made weren't the most morally right, but everything I did was to protect her. She was involved with me, Jackson Raynatt, head of the Shadows. I had many dangerous enemies lurking around, watching me. She had almost faced one back at that alley.

"Sleep Annie. I'm going to, take a shower."

Her lips parted, but before she could say a thing, I turned and walked away, quietly clenching my fists.

***. ***. ***.

"Do I have to go to school today?" Annie pouted while giving me the puppy eyes.

She was seated opposite me on the dining table as we ate our breakfast.

I put down my fork and studied her keenly. She had held up her hair in a double bun style that made her look younger than she was.

"What would you rather do?"
Annie's shoulders shrugged. "I dunno, fo shopping or something."

"You want to spend the entire day shopping?"

She immediately sighed while pulling on an annoyed face. "I don't want to face Daisy."

I should have just said yes to her request. Now the one conversation I dreaded was about to kick in.
Hoping to avoid it, I picked up the fork and was about to dig back in the food when she spoke.

"What are you protecting me from?"

The air immediately shifted to the tension leaking from my side. What to say? How to answer her?

Pull out your ruthless side.

"That shouldn't be a concern to you. Now finish up your breakfast, I'll drive you to the mall."
It was a little cold. But this was the only way I could tackle the situation while buying myself more time to prepare for her future questions. Annie was smart, I was dead sure she would try to investigate the entire thing. And if it happened, I had to be ready.

***. ***. ***.


The whole drive had been in total silence. Jack had attempted to turn on the music but I had quickly turned it off.
I was mad at him, no, I was blazing furious at him.
What was he hiding from me?

How was Daisy involved in all of it?

All the hype that had been there an hour ago for shopping had already died.
Now all I wanted was to get away from Jack. But he kept following me in every store I walked in.

I tried walking at a faster pace, but he kept catching up with me. Curse my short legs.

While I was checking out a dark blue gown(for my last prom which our school had set to be held at the end of this semester), Jack rushed to stand close to my left, blocking off another male customer that was there.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're trying to get rid of me?" He stated.

I ignored him and continued examining the dress on the mannequin.

"So this is how you want it? Fine!"
He sounded hurt.
And him being hurt made me feel sad. But I couldn't lower my shield. Jack to to be the first to lower his.

"I'll just go over there and help those girls that can't take their eyes off of me. Have fun."
I thought he was joking and once again ignored him.

Jack said nothing more, he walked off.

He wouldn't...right?

The stabbing curiosity overtook all my senses till I glanced over towards the direction Jack had walked.
On the next aisle, beside the shirts section, I saw three girls, maybe in their early twenties. They received Jack with brighter grins than the sun's own rays.

Something immediately wound itself around my heart. It made bile boil up to my throat like erupting lava. This feeling was so damn strong. It was... jealousy.

****And hey, if any one of you feels like buying me coffee, I wouldn't say no. My PayPal is ((sammargaret358@gmail.com))
Or you can use the Ko-fi link on my profile.





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