6)Anger issues

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I wriggled slightly.
Which only had the huge beast behind me press my body firmly against the wall.

"Why were you looking for me?" Jack asked looking into my eyes. His face was only a breath away, something that kept stirring the wild desires in my mind.
I stared for a while from the corner of my eyes, just as a hand slowly slipped across my neck till it gently seized my throat.



Dear Lord! Did Jack honestly have no idea how much he was affecting me? This was the person that had raised me for at least five years. He was like a dad or a brother.
Sure he never asked me to address him as my dad, but to the society, he was like a dad to me.

"I know what you did to Paul." I quickly laid my accusation before my mind could explode.

Jack chuckled adding slight pressure on my throat, "And so?"

Fuck me, he didn't even bother defending himself. But what was there to defend if he was guilty?

"If he didn't learn his lesson, I can break his legs if you-"

"What? No!" I squeaked while shoving myself backwards in hopes of pushing him off of me. But the male hardly budged an inch.

"Stay still." An order came as he pulled me to himself, ungluing my body from the wall. At least that was a win for me...or was it?
Now I was held firmly against a shirtless beautiful god that had a hint of body sweat.
I felt a drop of water fall on my shoulder blade before trickling down my chest, before it was absorbed by the hungry material of my t-shirt.

"I should teach you how to attack someone now."

"I...I don't think that's necessary!" I murmured feeling tensed from the immense heat we were sharing.
When I tried moving my hands, they rubbed against a slight bulge. It grew harder and harder the more I twisted my bound wrist.

"Annie!" Jack groaned pushing me forward while at the same time hopping away from me.
He sounded as though pain was buzzing through him, which had me concerned.

I spun around wearing a worried look. Sure I wasn't dumb, what I had felt there was a... hard-on. But still I knew nothing about real male anatomy other than what they taught in biology. No real life experience whatsoever. Ngrrr!
Maybe I had accidentally scratched his balls or something in the struggle!

"Are you alri..." Words died as I watched Jack facing the wall, his forehead kissing the cold surface while his broad back was at me. He lifted his arms, ripped to the bone, then placed his strong fists on the wall above his head.

This wasn't the first time seeing Jack do this. It was a form of anger-venting.
"What's wro-"
He punched the concrete wall and I gasped frightened.

"Got to your room!" Jack roared.

But I was too startled to make a sensible move. All I could see was the furious male refusing to face me yet comfortable punching a solid wall.
"Got to your damn room!" He growled again and struck the wall, this time, breaking the skin on his knuckles till he left three bloody patches on the white surface. Jeez! Talk about anger management.

Listen to him you little idiot or it'll be your face replacing the wall! My scared voice yelled.

He would never hit me! I argued back.

Oh yah? Then why are you standing here? Why don't you go close to him?

Fair point.

Before he could yell or scream at me again, I gathered my shredded courage and darted for the stairs, leaving him by himself. He could punch down all the walls now.

****I've received a request to complete the scene from the last part. So I've written this as a bonus for the day/night, hehehe***

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