27) A teasing photo

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***3rd POV***

Someone was speaking, saying something important about the recent events concerning Shadows. Jack should have been attentive. He should have been all ears about his own organization. But...he had spaced out, mind flooded to the brim by Annie. He recalled her every moan. Her every purr. Her every squirm to his touch.

As the speaker continued presenting his report, Jack picked his phone from the table and unlocked it, oblivious to everything around him.

He, without a speck of shame, scrolled till he was in Annie's Instagram page. Her bright brown eyes drawing his conscious into them. Her adorable smile elevating the besting of his heart.

And without feeling it, a smile of his own started growing on his lips. Attracting the attention of Elizabeth Haden, one of the three hackers in his ring.
She swallowed hard, dropping her gaze on her laptop...seated across the large table.

While getting rid of any suspicious information in Annie's laptop and phone, she did come across the little girl's diary. Even though Annie had secured it, hacking the security password had been a lick of ice cream for Elizabeth.

Annie had written about her little makeout with Jack. And ever since Elizabeth read that detailed session, she couldn't help but see Jack in a new light. Usually, she had this fear in the pit of her stomach whenever Jack spoke or looked at her. For over a year now, she had been suppressing her lust towards Jack and thought he wouldn't look her way even once due to her young age.

But, if he had made out with a seventeen year old, what would stop him from actually dating her? She was at least twenty three, that's almost six years older than the teenager he lived with.

What was he smiling at? Elizabeth wondered. The more he smiled, the more agitated she felt. Could it be that Annie was texting him? Argh! Why wouldn't she concentrate on her studies and let the adults do their thing?

The jealousy had been slowly poisoning her soul, so much that she wanted to teach Annie a lesson. To make her stay away from Jack.

Her right hand balled into a fist while she glared at Jack.

You'll be mine, and only mine.
Elizabeth swore.

***. ***. ***.


I stared at my reflection on the large mirror that ran from one end of the wall to the the other. My hair was a bit messy after that damned PE class, all that running.

My ebony skin was still pretty, so, whatever.

As my eyes fell on the open stalls behind me from the reflection, a wild idea slipped in my head. It made my breathing unstable just thinking about it.

No risk, no gain Annie!

And before I could lose that tiny courage, I fished out my phone from the pocket of my blue shorts and unlocked it.

"Okay! I'm about to do it!" I panted lifting my phone towards my reflection then quickly lifted the white top. My round boobs came in sight, eager for whatever I was doing. My nipples were already alive to the adrenaline pumping throughout my body.

Snap! Snap!

Two were enough, right?

I hastily made myself decent in a blink, afraid of someone barging in the bathroom and catching me taking photos of my boobs.

With shaky fingers, I tapped my way to Jack's conversation, stared at the screen for about a minute before doing it... I sent him one of the photos and immediately turned the screen off to the drumming of my heart.

"Phew!" I sighed bringing my eyes back on my tensed reflection. A layer of persperation had covered my forehead.

"No risk, no gain!" I repeated my thoughts to my reflection, adding an awkward grin.

I wasn't too sure what to expect from my actions, but I hoped the photo would brighten Jack's afternoon at work. He deserved it, and more.

***. ***. ***.

****3rd POV****

His smart phone buzzed, alerting Jack of a new message. It was an unusual occurrence, which only peaked his curiosity, yet dared not to touch it.

"Sorry, could you repeat that last part?"

"I said that information from Canada...may have been...tampered with, Sir!" Chris, another hacker, said. He looked at his boss, feeling his insides slowly melt to the tension scorching in there.

Jack removed his reading glasses and set them next to his keyboard.

"Chris! I pay you guys each thirty thousand dollars a month for your jobs, and you dare tell me such rubbish?" Jack bellowed angrily. His eyes were darkened by the rage storming in them. Looking ready to tear the skinny boy to pieces in a second.

"We...we...there was a minor error from the cyber team in Canada Sir. I swear on my mother's li-"

"Don't get her involved in this Chris for fucksakes!"

"Sorry Sir. But we're working on it. However, whoever was trying to breach it cannot decipher it even in a million years Sir. The cryptography is solid as always."

Jack huffed.

"And this is supposed to make me feel better?"

Chris cleared his throat, the pressure from this encounter was surely doing a number on him. Why hadn't Elizabeth reported the issue herself?

Oh right, she wasn't ready to sacrifice herself and instead asked Chris to take the bullet for her. Typical female.

"Get out!"

"Su-sure Sir!"

Chris wasted not a second more, he practically ran out of Jack's office. Only breathing normally once he was on the corridor.

Sighing out to clear the frustration, Jack picked up the device and turned it to himself. On pressing the power button, a notification with Annie's name caged his attention in a millisecond.
Curious, and with nothing better to do, Jack clicked it...

When the chat opened and a pair of average-sized moulds appeared on the screen, his heart intentionally skipped three beats before making a wild comeback..

This was the last thing he expected Annie to send him. And damn her, goal achieved..

Staring at the perfect breasts, he felt himself rise to the blood pumping crazily.

"Aaah!" Jack groaned slapping his phone on the desk while his other hand grabbed his full package. Why had he given in to checking the effing notification?
And why was one female making him lose his mind this much? For at least twenty years, Jack had always been in prefect control of his sexual urges, yet...all that mattered no more for a seventeen year old had managed to break down all those walls and planted herself in his darkest parts.

Now she was blooming.
And that worried Jack, so much.

****Note; we're at 55k guys. Thaaaaanks for reading, voting and...following my profile... 💗💗***








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