11)Facing my fear halfway

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I went closer, heart slowing down to the train of thoughts invading my senses.
   Why did Jack look so miserable?

"Listen to me Annie, I don't need you in here!" He yelled as anger reddened his ears. I wanted to touch them, to caress them till the anger could dissipate.

    "You look horrible."

He tried, jack really tried to act tough. To appear strong. But the shaking of his hands and the sweating only got worse.
   I knew he was hiding something under the cover. My active brain could already guess what it was... something bloody.

      Even though I hated the sight of blood, I could still be useful as I had trained myself to bandage my little cuts with my eyes blindfolded.

"Wait here!" I instructed before running in his bathroom.
After a minute and a half of scouring the cabinets, I found the medical kit.
I dumped it next to a weak Jack before opening his closet and grabbed a shirt.
  Using the little scissors in the kit, I cut a strip of clothe which would come in handy.

   "I can...clean it my-"

"You're too exhausted." I darted laying bandages, band-aids, disinfectant, and anything else I thought I needed. "What's the wound?"

   Jack shut his eyes to my question.

"That bad huh?"

"I don't need you to tend to me!" He suddenly shouted, his intention...to scare me away. I admit, I was shaken by his yell, but still kept my ass in place.

     "Well fuck you Jack!"

His eyes opened, a trace of shock adding a layer in them. "Since when did you get this...ooooh!" A moan interrupted him.

  When he intended to place a hand over the area I was suspecting, I pushed it away and instead slid mine beneath that duvet to have a feel of the wound.

My little knowledge on medicine was from the online classes I was taking. Yes, I wanted to be a doctor. Ironical isn't it? The one person that can't stand the sight of blood aspires to be a god-damned doctor!
    At least saving lives would help fill that void that had always been in me. That trauma that had affected my life a great deal.

The area around the cut was a bit swollen. And obviously painful as Jack couldn't stay still with my fingers feeling it. From the length of the cut, the object had to be almost the size of a push dagger.
          Jesus Christ! What did you get yourself into?

"Y-you can g-g-go now!"

  "And who'll treat this bleeding wound?"

"Not you obviously. I can't deal with this pain and you on the the floor." Jack breathed  looking into my eyes. He meant well for me. His concern was more genuine than normal.

   "I won't pass out I promise."
The hand that was under the duvet came out, which I quickly covered using a towel to shield my weak eyes.

Knowing what I was dealing with helped further in setting the things I needed in order.
     "Trust me Jack!" I whispered beaming him a smile.

He only stared, his fighting spirit starting to fade. And to waste no more of the precious time, I put on the blindfold then uncovered his torso.

     With every of his groan, my chest constricted. The stab wasn't deep, but it would still require seeing a doctor later on. Mine was just a temporal fix so the wound wouldn't get infected.

I tried to make small talk with him, but my mind was blank on what to talk about. It needed to focus on the task. Heck! This was the first time I was dealing with a real life situation. The smell of blood slowly made me nauseous the entire process.

    But in the end, I was successful.

***.                  ***.                 ***.  

Something touched my temple, making its way down to my jaw. As my eyes fluttered open, Jack speedily retreated his hand and pretended to be asleep.

   After treating his wound and giving him some painkillers, I had slipped next to him on the bed to keep him company. But, I had slowly drifted off to the dream world.

And now I was waking to find his arm under my neck.

        My shameless eyes wandered on every inch of his face. Even though he was acting, he still looked so handsome while sleeping. His hair was sprayed on the pillows all around his head, his red lips had parted slightly, reminding me of what I had done to him the previous day.

Previous day?

The red numbers on the alarm read one in the morning. I had been sleeping next to Jack for more than six hours.

     But who could blame me?
I had just confronted half of my phobia like a pro and lived to tell the tale. As much as bandaging a stab wound went.
Such a heroic move.

   As I pushed myself up, I studied his breathing...normal. The white bandage running around his torso had no red patch...good.

"I'll go make dinner." I announced softly while sliding out of bed.

   Jack continued with his act and didn't move a muscle. Oh he was such a good pretender for real.
With a short giggle, I made my way out of the room, not minding the lights still on as I shut his door.

The dark hallway immediately engulfed me, but I was too happy to care about it. Too excited to notice that I was making way downstairs in the darkness and didn't trip even once.

     All I could think of while cooking some fast noodles was Jack. And no matter how hard I tried wiping off that smirk on my face, it never went away.
My chest was vibrating with a strange sensation that I couldn't describe to myself.

    You're a badass Annie!

"I know!" I answered my thoughts.

  Now make him like you. Make him see...you.

What the hell did that even mean. 'See' me? He saw me everyday in the last five years and eleven months.

   You know what I mean dumbass.
My dark side mocked in a laugh.

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