52) Party of power

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****3rd POV****

With arms interlocked, Annie allowed Steve to walk her in the hotel. He had briefed her about the party to celebrate the company's tenth anniversary.
Steve had also made it clear that Jack would be the center of attention, so she should be ready for social interactions.

In truth, Jack hadn't wanted to let Annie join such a party, but Steve had insisted, saying that introducing her to his world would be a step closer to him opening up.

It was Steve's job as Jack's wingman to look after him. And Steve was glad that Jack, after years of being a cold bastard, was finally warming up to someone. He did like Annie and thought she was a good pick for his 'bro'.


My stomach was in tight knots, giving me a bloated feeling. Even Steve's whisper of affirmation didn't help much. I was scared. Not of the people, but scared that I'd spend an entire evening next to Jack the killer.

Last night I had escaped by a thread after lying about 'sudden cramps'. Jack had bought the lie and left my room.
But tonight...there was no escaping this.

I just wanted to squeeze myself in Steve's body and hide in him till the whole thing was over. It'd be safer there, for even the guests seemed scary no matter how fancy they had dressed up. They were giving me strange vibes with their polite smiles and gentle glances.

"Up there." Steve said.
I followed his eyes and saw Jack on the upper floor near the railing. He was busy conversing with two women. The blonde one kept giving Jack the lustful eyes even though he completely ignored her attempts.
Fuck the fear, I was firing up with dense jealousy. Which was interrupted by Steve's chuckle.

"Someone might think you have murderous intentions towards him with that glare."

I quickly tore my gaze from Jack and let it fall on Steve. "How long will...will this take?"

"The party, oorrrr..." He slurred while giving me a teasing smirk.

I placed my free hand on his arm while smiling back. Acting all calm to the public, I delivered a sharp pinch.
Steve could only wince. He then broadened his smile and continued leading me in.

We made a stop in front of the long table carrying different types of drinks. There was a male servant behind it standing proudly as he served the people making a stop here.

"Wine, brandy, champag-"

"Juice is fine." I interrupted him.

He didn't say anything else or judge me in any way, only walked over at the juice section and smiled up at me. "What may I get you?"

"Give me a minute." Steve suddenly excused himself while retreating his arm. I didn't pay much attention to him as my eyes were fixed on the variety of juices presented to me.

I walked closer to check them while the servant explained what they were made of, which country and all that unnecessary information. Like damn, I only wanted a glass of juice man.

As I was about to ask him for a plain berry juice, a man halted close to my left and said, "She'll have this one." His finger pointed at the glass of yummy berry juice.

My head snapped to the left.
All air was punched out of my lungs when I saw Paul standing there in a formal suit. His normal blonde hair was now a shimmering black color. It was laid back so neatly, giving him a manly aura unlike the usual teen aura he had at school.


He handed me the juice. "Hey."

I was hesitant to receive it at first, but it looked awkward just staring at him while he was being kind.
As I took it from his hand, a female appeared from somewhere around us and plastered herself next to him. She even hugged his arm and beamed a plastic grin at me. It was the same blonde that had been eyeing Jack a while back.

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