21) It's illegal dating a minor in California

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For three days, Paul avoided even the sound of my footsteps. He looked the other way whenever I passed by. Talked to the next person when I tried to talk to him, didn't matter if it was a tenth grader. He just wanted to stay clear of me in the most humiliating way possible. I took the hint and stopped contacting him.

   Well that was going great till...

'Annie is definitely fucking her step-dad. There's solid proof.' The note glued on my locker read.
     Whoever had written it had used a yellow highlighter, which sure as hell attracted the attention of any student who was walking by. I had had to squeeze my way through the crowd just to get to my locker. And to discover that my very own locker was the center of the attraction made me want to cry right there and then.

     The handwriting was awful.
Clearly the culprit didn't want to be found. But I already had a solid hint who was behind this taint... Paul.

"This is a lie!" I screamed as the other students were busy pointing their phones at the lockers, recording the message.

   I went ahead to tear down the note as tears made way down my cheeks. "This is not true!"

The murmuring drove me crazy. And at that moment, I wanted nothing more than to vanish into thin air forever, to never have to face that kind of embarrassment.

***.                ***.                 ***.     

    The silence on that hallway was making my ears bleed. My fingers fidgeted while my knees bounced to my agitated feet.
I wanted to dash in the principal's office, but I had been asked to wait on that bench and die from the tension nibbling my intestines.

My head was dizzy from the countless thoughts whirling inside. When Jack had been asked for an emergency meeting, I had freaked out just a little. But when the police had joined them, my entire body was melting from the inside.

    All the confusion and the edginess gave me nausea. I was getting sick just from waiting upon judgement that i couldn't control.

After thirty minutes of an obviously dense discussion, the door clicked opening. Ms Kate's head popped from the frame. Her gloomy face spoke of the level of seriousness that was going on in that room.

   "Annie, come on in!"

I pressed my lips firmly, forced my heart to beat slower than the pounding it was doing in there.

   As I got off the bench, I wiped my sweaty palms on the back of the black turtleneck I had worn for the day.

The air inside was freezing from the cold auras radiating from the four grown-ups in there. The two officers, one male and the other female, rested their keen eyes on me as I sat down on the empty chair close to Jack.

   On the other hand, Jack seemed the least bothered. We weren't dating, so what was there to worry about?

      "Don't be afraid! I'm officer Beatrice and my partner Brian." The female officer comforted leaning forward towards my direction. "We just have a couple of questions for you and that's all."

   "Um...co...cool!" I swallowed.

"It's about what happened in the morning..."

I could feel three pairs of eyes boring through my flesh and into my soul, studying every expression and emotion that crossed my face.

  "What do you have to say about it?"

Suddenly, the air around me was hotter than a summer day.
    "Nothing. It was a lie!"

"And nothing is going on between you and Mr Jackson Raynatt?"

I nodded. "Nothing."

She sighed.
"We'll have to do a bit of investigation. It's a legal process that can't be avoided. This is not a simple issue. You understand that Annie, right?"

   I gave another nod.

"For starters, we'll have to confiscate both your phones. Don't worry, it's nothing deep."

I threw Jack a glance. He was looking like a solid block just sitting there without a single expression.

    "Ma-my phone?"

"Yes Annie. They need to be checked, as well your house. A warrant is on its way."

My brain did not want to process any of the reality about to happen. If they got hold of my laptop and find all the photos of Jack I had saved, some of them he was shirtless, I'd be done with.

    "Is...is this necessary?"

"Very much. We need to clear such allegations. We got an anonymous tip right before the school principal reported the incidence from morning." Beatrice explained sounding professional to the tooth.

My intestines were already starting to melt away.

   "But don't worry, it'll take a day or two if both of you give us your full cooperation."
She added a smile at the end. As if that would make it any better for fucksakes.



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