14)Makeout on movie night

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****Note; I'll really appreciate if you'd follow my profile my lovely readers.. pweeease. I only have nine followers.. hahaha... Xoxoxo*☺️☺️**

It was dark, with the only source of light being the flat screen mounted on the wall.

Movie night. Yes, Jack and I always watched a movie every Friday because we absolutely had nowhere else to be.
It was easier passing the night quickly by losing ourselves in the fantasy world.

For some unknown reason, Jack picked The Exorcist. I particularly didn't like horror, but well, it was his turn to pick a movie.

With a bowl of homemade popcorn, I was ready to tackle the challenge ahead...surviving the movie in one piece.

He laughed at me whenever I got scared, not considering my frail courage. The last time I watched a horror movie, let's just say I snuck in his room dead in the night after twisting and turning on my bed feeling terrified.

You're older. You can handle it.
It's what I lied to myself as the movie progressed. But with every scary scene, the knots in my intestines increased, making it so difficult to have room for the popcorns.

It'd be hard erasing the little girl's possession and the horrifying things she did.
Especially when she had turned her head a full hundred and eighty degrees.

"Aaah!" I screamed grabbing the bowl in a hug when Jack whispered to me.

"Jeez Annie!" Jack broke in a short laugh.

Our eyes met and the cheer in his brought calmness in my soul. Oh he had such beautiful cool blue eyes that I wouldn't mind staring at every single day.

"I cannot go on!" I cried throwing my legs off the couch before placing the large pink bowl on the table. "You can-"

"Come here!" Jack tugged me back on the sofa and even further against himself.
"Now you won't feel any fear. You can use me as a shield when you're...scared." He offered in a soft voice that sounded almost alien.
I caught the trail of his eyes as they travelled from my own and down to my lips. Something came over me and I intentionally bit my lower lip while my own eyes dropped to his mouth.

"I...I can do...th...that?"

It felt as if time was moving at a slower pace. As if the air had been cooled down.
I could almost hear my breathing in the silence. Feel my heart beating happily to his gaze and his words.

Jack's right hand made way to my face. It cleared the curly locks that had escaped their confinement at the center of my head, and slowly tucked them behind my ear. His thumb brushed along my cheek in the process, stealing away any sense of sanity.

It escaped me completely that the movie was still playing. But it wasn't just me who had been sucked into this other dimension that had only two people...just Jack and I.

There was a familiar emotion in Jack's blue pair. I had seen it before when he had grabbed my ass the other day...

"Of course, you can...do that and-" Jack's hand unnoticeably slid to cup my jaw, "-whatever else you want!"

I swallowed the lump growing in my throat. How could mere words affect a person so much? How could simple eye contact make one emotionally weak?

"Oh yah?" I whispered.

His thumb made a little rub on the corner of my lips, an undeniable indication that Jack was thinking about the same thing I was.
Maybe if I initiated it like last time, he would do away with the hesitation.
And with a sure heart, I inched closer towards the male.

Jack didn't push me away, he just stared down at my lips while the hand on my face seemed to draw me to its owner even though it was a tiny pull.

"Whatever I...want?" I whispered again, only this time, my body had completely turned to his and my face was a single breath away.

"What do you want?" Jack asked before finally winding his left hand on my waist, drawing me on top of him.
The air was pushed out of my lungs, but quickly forgotten as a warm fuzzy feeling filled the void.

With the insane pounding of my heart, I was damn sure Jack could feel it on his chest.

"I...I...I don't-" it was my turn to clear the hairs from his face in a slow and gentle touch.

"Are you sure you don't know?"

I smiled snaking both my hands around his neck. Now we shared the same air, and exchanged heat back and forth.

His question went unanswered verbally, but my lips sure as hell gave him a reply.

Jack's throat let out a low moan as my mouth engaged his in a silent conversation.
No words were necessary here. Only lips and tongues were allowed to converse in their own language. And it was a long wet mouth to mouth conversation that lasted over a minute without a single break.

Both his hands had made way to my waist, then had slipped further down to my ass which was covered by a thin pajama.

Jack grabbed and pulled it up before having me straddle his lap. Accepting the welcome gesture, I lowered my ass fully down till I sat on his groin. That simple action made Jack groan, then deepen the kiss.

He broke it himself before sending his lips on mission 'wet the neck'.

With every kiss he laid on my sensitive neck, I felt myself move under the pull and push of his hands on my ass till the grinding picked up a pace. At fast it was slow and so intoxicating. I was liking the feel of his lips, the feel of his beard on my skin.

My head whipped backwards till my face was angled to the ceiling. Soft moans erupted from my shameless mouth while Jack grinded my loin against the hard thing under me.

The friction sent waves of new pleasure through my entire body. I had touched myself countless times to my fantasies about Jack, but this was real. I was actually making out with Jackson Raynatt.

"Oh gawd!" I moaned.

"It's me!" Jack roared increasing the grinding pace.

His lips made their way up my neck, beckoning me to put my head back where it was initially. When I did, he immediately went in for a killer kiss which I so readily participated with a burning erotism.

As my groin rubbed vigorously on his, as our kiss intensified, Jack's hands on my ass suddenly went rigid. Then he let out one fucking deep moan. "ANNIE!"
He had just moaned my name and it made me feel so damn powerful that a beast of a man like Jackson Raynatt had bowed to me.

The grinding came to a quiet stop but the kissing went on till I pulled back, curious to see the results.

Even though it was dimlit, the wet patch Jack's sweatpants was visible.

So was the guilt that had taken over.

He was panting softly, his chest rising and falling rapidly. "Fuck!" He yelled slapping his forehead.

There was something also haunting me, but it wasn't guilt. It was shame. What the hell had I just done? How would Jack view me after that? I used to be his sweet innocent girl. But now, I'm the girl that had made him cum in his pants.

Overwhelmed with all these emotions, I hopped off of him and ran off before he could try comforting me.

"Annie wait!" He yelled. But I was already running up the stairs.

How could I face him after that?

Dear lord!



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