33) An unwelcomed interruption

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The hissing sound alerted us of the door opening, just before the lights flickered on.
Jack and I quickly withdrew from each other before making ourselves decent.

I peeled from the corner of my eye as he fastened his belt. He wasn't in a rush as I was while combing through my curls with my fingers.
He even had the guts to wear a grin while looking at me.

This was embarrassing if I was being honest. Our good time had been cut short abruptly by the passenger getting in.

"Sir?" A feminine voice called from my right. Our heads whipped to its direction, spotting a flushed Lizzie. Her eyes were round and they possessed a glint of anger.

I frowned. What was she doing here? Was it just a coincidence or she had planned it?

Lizzie brought forward her laptop, just as the bus started driving. The sudden movement made her unstable, leading her to topple over us. Her hip landed on my lap, the laptop hitting my belly unapologetically while her upper half fell on Jack's lap.

I wheezed as air slowly slipped back in my poor lungs. This couldn't be a coincidence. If she had to fall, she'd have fallen backwards, not sideways. Jeez! I know a bit of physics Lizzie.

"I am so sorry Sir!" Lizzie apologized as she hurriedly collected herself to stand again.

"Why are you here?" Jack asked in a monotonic tone. His gaze was lazy and leaked of boredom. A look he had never ever given me. Which looked totally hot.

Lizzie glanced around then back on Jack.
"It's an emergency." She stated and her eyes fell on the laptop in her hand.

I felt Jack's hand cup my knee. "Annie, please give us a minute. I promise, I won't keep you waiting."

Our eyes locked.
He held a pleading glimmer in his pair, a sight that was hard to say no to.

I gave a half nod as my lips stretched in a straight line that was neither happy nor sad. Once again, a conspiring force had gotten in the way of what I wanted. It had used one of Jack's employees who didn't seem to like me that much.

There was an empty seat behind them, which I gladly occupied.

As soon as the two minutes were over, the lights turned off.

Now left with only my phone to keep me company, I fished it out from my jacket pocket, along with a pair of earphones. Thank God I hadn't left everything in Jack's car, it'd have been torture just sitting there and watching the lights outside flash by.

Not wanting to eavesdrop or die from boredom, I plugged in the earphones and put them on. My favorite playlist was the only thing that could help me cool down and forget about Lizzie's interruption while my heart cursed her bitterly.

As the seconds ticked away, my mind drifted, lost in the song playing; Runaway by Aurora.
It was calm, emotional and soothing.

My eyes shut,and my temple leaned against the cold glass.

As the words seeped to my soul, I lost track of time and allowed my mind to wander off. And it did just that till...someone pulled out the earphones. My head shot to the right, ready to explode.

"What's your fucking pro-"

A pair of lips were pressed on mine, shutting me up like a good obedient kid.
His scent quickly calmed my blazing mind that had been ready to pour insults on the intruder. But if the intruder was Jack, he could do it over and over again.

Our kiss ended in low pants.

Jack quietly cupped my cheek, letting out a gentle chuckle that made me frown in the darkness. "Silly girl. What if it was a stranger that had kissed you?"

I placed a hand on the one on my cheek and locked my fingers with his. "He'd have needed a check up from how hard I'd have hit his balls."

Jack chuckled again. "Good! Good!" He sighed and pulled me in a warm embrace. "Sorry I kept you waiting."

I snuggled on his chest, breathing in as much as I could of his scent. "It's okay."

"What are you listening to?"

My hands traced the earphones from the phone on my lap till I held them in my palms. Without saying a word, I put one earphone in his ear while I wore the other one.

******3rd POV******

Lizzie's jaw clenched, so did her fists.
The sound of them kissing had echoed through her brain like a thousand yells.
The 'emergency' had been fake. She just wanted a reason to be around him. Even though tracking his watch was only allowed in direct times, she couldn't help it.

Even after all of that work, Jack had only spared her ten minutes of his time. Now he had left her alone and hopped behind her to accompany the damned teenager.

And if that wasn't enough, he tone had changed when talking to Annie. He sounded so caring. So concerned. So... affectionate.
Could it be that Jack had really fallen for Annie?

No! I will not be defeated by a teenager that has no experience in life other than being a spoilt brat. Lizzie swore.

She had to drive them apart. And the only sure way that could puncture their relationship was...Paula, Annie's mother.










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