Entering The Villa

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****Imogen's POV****

I probably should have been nervous

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I probably should have been nervous. 99% of the people in my situation right now would be nervous walking into a group of random strangers and tasked with trying to steal their men but I was excited. I hadn't been on a proper date in over a year and tonight I was about to go on three of them. 

Before I left the holding villa I was shown all of the guys in there and told to choose one for the starter, one for the main and one for desert. I had nothing to do go off so I just had to go off the photos and chose Andre for the main, Tyrique for the main and then Mitchel for the desert. 

When the car pulled up outside the villa I noticed a vehicle pulling up next to me and realised I would not be the only one coming in tonight. 

"Hi I'm Imogen." I greeted the brunette. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you, I'm Charlotte. Shall we go in?"

"Lets go and get our men." I almost shouted, linking my arm with her as we walked into the villa and out into the garden. "Hello guys."

There were four men in the kitchen and I was pleasantly surprised by them all, the official photographs definitely didn't do them justice. The first to reach me was who I recognised to be Mitchel. "I'm Mitch, welcome to the villa." He said as he pulled me into a quick hug. 

"Thank you so much, I'm Imogen."

"Tyrique." "I'm Andre." "Zach." The three other guys introduced themselves before Tyrique led me over to the table. "Have a good starter, well not too good but I'll be waiting with the desert."

There was only a small wait before Andre came over with what looked like halloumi. "This looks really good."

"Thank you." I could see instantly that he was quite a quiet person and that isn't something I usually like in a guy. 

"So how's your couple going right now?"

"Erm I'm currently coupled up with Ruchee but I ended things last night because I want to focus my energy in on Catherine."

"I mean, and you can be honest with me now, is this like something you would consider or are you focused on Catherine?"

"I think at the moment I want to focus on her." He said honestly. "Obviously I feel terrible having taken one of your spots for a date up but right now I want to see if that has any legs."

"No I respect you for that and I really hope it does work out between the two of you." Honestly was one of the best qualities in a guy and I couldn't fault him for being that. "Is it ok to tell you then that this halloumi is overdone?"

"Thank you for saying something, I thought I was going to have to suck it up and just eat it." He was really funny and with that we both just put the food to one side. "What would you like to know then? I can be your in for the villa."

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