Final Dates

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****Imogen's POV****

My idea of a good wake up call is probably a nice little massage, some kisses behind the eye but most crucially all of this has to happen after a lie in. What isn't on that list is a text message sounding across the room just as I was coming out of a deep sleep.

"Someone's got a text." I heard Jess shout. 

"It was me." Molly almost whispered and I could see her feeling across the table for her phone. "Molly and Zach, it's now time for your final date, please get ready to leave the villa. #livingthedream #oncloudnine."

"Have fun guys."

I did kind of feel bad but I definitely wasn't getting up before it was even light outside to go and help them get ready for their final date. Instead I turned over, finding Scott still flat out asleep and tucked myself back under his arm, letting sleep take over me again. 

When I woke up a few hours later I had a vague memory of the night before but I did find it quite amusing that Scott had literally no idea what was going on. 

"What so they got a text?"

"No they sent a carrier pigeon in." I teased him. "She got a text and then they went."

"Cool." Love him being so unbothered by the whole situation. 

We skipped the morning debriefs and just went straight outside, Scott and I sitting straight in the sun to catch a few hours in the sun. 

"What do you think out final date will be like?" I asked him as we both dipped our feet in the pool. "Well what do you hope it will be like?"

"I'm not saying this like I don't care because I do but like I don't care what we do, just as long as it's with you then it will be perfect."

"You're a smooth talker."

"Why what do you want it to be like?"

"Well I hope there's food."

"Of course."

"It might be weird but I hope there's some water, the sound of birds and wildlife around us. I just want it to be lowkey."

"What's your idea of a nightmare date then?"

"Just something that takes away from the person you're with. I'd hate to have to play up to some sort of theme."

Whitney and Lochan soon joined us and we spent most of the morning talking about the dates. We'd had our lunch and settled back down again by the time Molly and Zach arrived back in the villa. 

"Hey!" Molly shouted, grabbing our attentions so we quickly greeted them before splitting off into our two groups. 

"Describe it to us."

"Everything was pink." From the way she described it, it sounded like Zach had been thrown into a barbie themed play house. "It was stunning."

"How was the chat?"

"He was like actions do speak louder than words but, 'I do love you' and I was just like..." I was happy for them, I genuinely was but I still can't help but think it's not true on his side. 

"How are you feeling now?"

"I can't believe it still but the whole thing has just made us closer than ever before. It's hard to even think about the journey we've been on in here and now it's almost coming to an end."



I thought the next text would have come straight away but my excitement couldn't have been higher when a few hours later my phone went. "I've got a text." I shouted across the garden. "Imogen and Scott it's time for your final date. Please get ready to leave the villa #paradiseisland #sailaway."

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