Snog, Marry, Pie

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****Imogen's POV****

Sometimes in this villa it can seem like things are going at a hundred miles an hour and really slowly at the same time

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Sometimes in this villa it can seem like things are going at a hundred miles an hour and really slowly at the same time. I think tonight for me signified kind of how much things can and could have changed in the night, like there was a real chance tonight that Abi could have picked Scott and I'd have been left with Josh.

"Come with me." I whispered in Scott's ear, leaving the idle chit chat we were involved in with some of the others.

"Where are we going?"

"Just inside." I led him inside into the kind of living room area, lying down on the sofa. "Join me."

"You ok?" He asked, lying beside me, pulling me into his chest.

"I'm good, I think tonight was just another one of those moments where I kind of stopped and appreciated what we have."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean not that I don't always appreciate you, I just know that tonight there's a real chance Abi could have picked you and I honestly can't imagine not being in a couple with you."

"Loot at you, I've melted the ice queen."

"Stop it, I'm trying to be serious."

"I know." He paused, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "And I know we're open and it's still early days but I can't imagine being coupled up with Abi. She kind of mentioned earlier that had she gone first she would have picked me even over Mitch."

"That's also the pride talking though."

"Yeah. I like how this is going though, I feel like there's no pressure, we can just be ourselves and that's what really matters. Plus had Abi picked me I wouldn't have heard your lovely speech."

"I feel like in some ways it's a good exercise, I think in the past I've been less in tune with my emotions but this kind of makes me confront them."

"You've had one partner before right? Why did that not work?"

"We just weren't right for each other, like he didn't support any of my decisions, he moved away and couldn't bother to visit me anymore. Plus my twin sister always hated him."

"Do you think she would like me?"

"I think she would. She's the tougher cookie to break but she's proved to me that true love is out there for everyone even now ."

"You know you really remind me of my mum, she's always going on about soulmates."

"We all have on, it's just some people are luckier finding them than others."

I could hear the rest of the islanders going upstairs and parted ways with Scott to go and get changed. Before doing my night time regmine, I quickly changed into some shorts and a tee before heading back to find him already in the bed like usual.

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