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Suddenly life was different, it all happened too fast, I didn't have time to process it all. One moment I was writing under an Instagram post about the governor's son who made an insult towards black Jews, then the next I was watching my father's picture on the news being broadcasted that he had... died.

How is that even possible? I was just on the phone with him last night. He had made it home safely after work and he was having his usual, pasta with garlic bread. I don't know how he learned to make it, considering he's Dominican, but the last time I had some it tasted amazing. Will I ever get to try it again? He was fine when I spoke to him last night.

How is it possible he's gone today?

I silently sob wondering or even hoping this is some sick joke. Once I felt warm hands around my shoulders, comforting me from this ache in my heart. I knew it had to be real. Not even my mother's touch can take this pain away.

My father, Luis Davis. A small city lawyer, the man who had always come to tuck me into bed despite what his relationship with my mother was like. The man who read me stories about princesses and Queens. The man that made me want to go for my doctorate.

Oh my god. Graduation.

He won't even see me walk the stage with my white coat on.

"Oh, I'm so sorry princesse." my mother caressed my blowout hair. She and my father would always call me their princess. My mother would say it in French and well my father always attempted, but I didn't mind. "C'est bon de pleurer mon amour." She tells me.

She tells me it's okay to cry, but I hate crying and she knows it. I hate feeling like this. The feeling of weakness crept inside of me, making me want to stab that shit out.

So, there I was on the wooden dining room table where we all once sat and ate dinner as a family.

My parents split only three years after I was born. Mother never told me the real reason but as I got older, I made up my reasonings. One is that my grandma hates my father. To my knowledge, she didn't have a reason. But I'm sure there was one.

And second, my father was never around for my mom when she needed him. Even as they split, he would only come around in some instances. like when I got my first kiss when I got into my first school fight, my graduation, and even my first period. It may sound weird, but he bought me my favorite films, chocolates, and everything I needed to survive my first. He even had "the" talk with me. Not like I was ready to hear about the birds and the bee, but he had been there.

"Considering the conditions, we found him in. This wasn't an accident. It was an assault that we will look further into." Spoke Miguel.

He had been killed?

I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. The house suddenly became warm, and the walls were caving in.

"Would you guys know of anyone that has it out for him? A family friend maybe?" Miguel asked.

My father was a good man. I can only think of my grandmother hating him but she's in France. I shook my head and so did my mother. Everyone that we knew loved him.

"He was a lawyer. Maybe you can ask his employees." Mother answered.

"We can start there," Miguel replies. He glanced at me with a look that was trying to get answers out of me. But he should know I have nothing to give.

The other man who stood in our house speaking with the cops walked up to Miguel. He placed his hands on his shoulders pulling him away from us.

Miguel kept his eyes on me with sympathy for my pain.

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