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Moving my broccoli to the right side of my plate, then my left, I can feel my mind drifting in deep thought of disruptions.

The girl's getaway ended in a fucking nightmare. Or a dream? Damnit I don't know, but of course, I had to fuck it all up. There was a very limited amount of things I fucked up with in my life. This one is definitely the worst.

There was no doubt in asking if what I did was cheating or not because it was clear as day.

Never in a thousands years would I have ever thought to do something like that. And for what? a quick orgasam that meant nothing.

Oh who am I kidding, it meant everything, I had been plugged for a month and some. That night was the first night I've felt reckless and...damn well amazing. He didn't even touch me and he managed to make me cum.

I find myself wanting more of that erotic feeling.

"Are you ok mon amour? You haven't touched your food." mother takes me out of my train of thoughts.

"It's classes. The last semester of med school is hard." I said to overcast the truth.

"Ah. You know I can help you study if you'll like? Though I doubt you need to study, you've always been incredibly smart. Just like your father."

My father. It's been a little over a month since his death and we still haven't found the person that harmed him. While figuring out so with the investigators, I grew to resent him for lying to me all my life.

"Can we not bring up his name right now? He was unlawful, a liar and I hate him for not trusting me with his life," I tell mother. Before she opened her mouth to speak the doorbell rung. I push my chair back from the table and stand. "I'll get it."

Opening the door, Detective Scott greeted me. "Hello Ms, Davis."

I figured he had more questions for us to answer instead of telling us how and why our father died. I let him in anyways. At times I feel like these people are sleeping on their job.

We are sitting at the tables staring up at him after he denied to sit, because it wold only take, 'one minute.'

"There could be many suspects and many motives on to why someone would do this. One would be mob interactions. You said you both just figured out that he was a wanted suspects for many murders in other states correct?" he asked us.

My mom and I took a quick glance at each other and nod. Even though it was a lie, I already lost one parent, I didn't need to lose another.

"Well your father had a lot of money stashed away. Not only that but we communicated with other departments in these current states," he shows us a list of the States my father had been in. "He has possed as a different man each time. But his real birth name is Felix."

I cover my mouth, attempting to wipe the shock away. "Felix." I say to confirm.

"What does all of this mean?" my mother asks. "Can't we just put this all to rest? We are still trying to mourn his death. I could care less finding out who did it. We want to stop being reminded that he we was murderd."

"Of course, I understand. We can put the case to rest if you'll like but there are some things in his emails and apartment that we found. It could bring us a step closer." He takes back the papers. "But I completely understand."

I shake my head, confused with mother. Why wouldn't she want to see the person responsible In jail? Or better yet, dead. "No. We keep the investigation open. It's the least we can do for my father." I tell him.

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