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When Daniel and Angelo left me in the house, I was hopeless and hoped they were telling the truth about Enzo being on his way. And when he showed up to prove me right, a wave of emotions crashed through me.

The bubble that we stayed in made me realize how much I miss him, and now that I've seen all of him, it only makes me want him more, yet the life he lives is exactly what my father tried to escape from, I dont know if I can see myself in relation with someone like that. Let alone my anxiety is high enough. The last thing I need is cops up my ass.

When we reached back home, I spoke to my mother about everything that occurred. She cried in my arms, worried that she would never see me again. I warned her not to open the doors for anyone and to only drive from work and home until we get this money thing situated. She even mentioned my grandma would never forgive her for letting me around a man like Enzo. Then it occurred to me that I was following my mother's steps.

When I made it back to my apartment, I noticed how things were put back together. Stefanie didn't want me returning to a messy home. I thanked her before telling her to stay clear of me for now. It's for the best.

Then there is Enzo. Sweet, masculine Enzo that doesn't want to leave my side. I'd feel better with his protection anyway. He slept on the couch for days, watching and waiting for Daniel to come near. Meanwhile, I moved on with my regular day-to-day tasks, school, and studies.

I handed Enzo a turkey sandwich as he watched the window, looking for Daniel. Enzo told me about Daniel and his sister, and I dont blame him for wanting to kill the guy.

If it were me, I would.

"Don't you want him to come near me? If he sees you still here, I doubt he'll try and come get the money." I said to him.

He took the sandwich and took a monstrous bite. "You're not giving him money. If Angelo wants four million, I'll gladly give it to him. First, he needs to come to me."

"So what do we do if he doesn't want to see you and he tells his men to kill us all?"

"I'll call on his bluff. Angelo never had the balls to harm people. He's all talk, no action. But if you are worried about your mom and Stefanie, then I'll have my men watch over them. They will be there, but won't intrude on their life." 

All this money talk is driving me insane. It makes me want to get rid of it all. "What am I going to do with the money? I already have money that he left for me. Do I even want to know how much is in that account?"

"I would take it off your hands and keep it safe for you, but considering I've been here for days and haven't been able to find it myself, it's In a good spot."

I swatted him. "You've been snooping."

He laughed. "I don't want the money if that's what you are thinking. I wouldn't be offering to pay Angelo myself if I did."

"I guess you're right."

I went to bed early that night, and so did Enzo. The next day would be his father's election gathering. First, we would attend dinner with him, then attend the party. 

I begged him to not make me go. Yet he insisted that I go so we can set this marriage thing straight once and for all. I will tell Alessandro that I'm not marrying his son and we move on from there. Enzo doesn't mind, he rather me be happy than miserable. Not being married would leave me ecstatic.

I woke up to my pussy muscles clenching. I reached for the bulge figure that was under my sheets, pulling me into warm wet lips. Eagerness crept to me, I wasn't expecting Enzo to wake me up like this it makes me so damn excited. I longed for the day his lips were on every part of my body. His tongue dug deep inside of me, sending a shock to my core. I ripped the sheets away to see his gorgeous face and blue eyes staring at me while he devoured me whole. He said I tasted like caramel, God, I could melt in his mouth. My fingers slide against the scalp of his hair, and I push my hips further, wanting him to do things with his tongue on me.

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