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I wished for a honeymoon, it wasn't expected, but it would've been nice to get away with Enzo, but as he told me while we drove off west of Miami, the Siena came first, before anything and anyone. The thought gave me goosebumps all around. I was signing myself up to be second best or maybe last best. But maybe that would do right in my favor.

At least then I can focus on my work.

Together we pull into a gravel road that leads to a grey-and-white estate. I imagined this was where we would be staying in the meantime.

I picked up my dress as he opened the door for me to walk out of the car. In accordance, a man and a woman stood near the front heavy doors with their hands in front. They smiled down at us as we walked up the steps to the estate.

"Is this where we would be spending our honeymoon?" I asked him.

"Honeymoon and hopefully the rest of our lives. Unless you want to pick up and move to another estate, I thought you might like this one." He tells me, pulling me closer to the people. "This is Rondel, he'll be your new driver. He will bring your car here if you ever want to drive." he points to a short man with impacted shoulders and dark hair. "This is Poppy. Our maiden woman, she'll assist with cooking, cleaning, and whatever else you need."

I remember Poppy from his penthouse.

"Great," I mutter between my teeth. "I guess I could use the help since I'll be busy with school and my residency."

Enzo looked down at me with a look that I couldn't even explain. He forced a smile and walked me through the doors.

I didn't have the energy to ask him what that look was about. I hoped he didn't think I'd drop everything in my life just because I'm married to him.

He would have time for his work, and I'll have time for mine. In the end, this marriage is only a piece of paper, and maybe a few acts of sex here and there.

Fingers cross I get lucky tonight.

The indoor facade beamed brightness. To our left was a double door to a private room that was closed. "This is my office," Enzo said. I nod. To our right was an arch wall that led to a different side of the mansion. Enzo said that's where the kitchen and dining area is. Nodding again, I stared at the light oak stairs with black railings.

"How many rooms does this place have?" I asked.

"Not as much as you think. Only five, one of them being my office."

Enzo dipped down and scooped me up from the marble floor. I felt a sudden relief from my heels.

I waiver a laugh towards the rapid movement. He walked up the steps of the home that led to a loft. Not much furniture had been placed, so it made it seem bigger.

Enzo kicks open two prominent French doors that lead to a king-size bed and a large window that outlooks a field of grass and trees.

He gently set me on my back. The bed felt soft and plush, and there was a sensation that hit me, letting me know it was freshly new. His broad figure leaned over me. His arms pressed into the bed at each side of my head. I rub my hands through the hairs of his arms and the tattoos, then run up to his shoulders.

I've waited long enough to have him, and tonight I planned on doing just that. I will worry about my feelings another day.

My fingers grip his tie, pulling him close to me. "I want you," I whisper against his lips.

There was no hesitation to my seduction. He whipped away his tie across the room. He took his time to unbutton his dress shirt, and I helped him. The thudding of our hearts filled in the frenzied room. My fingers caressed his bare solid abdomen, and his tight muscles poked back at me.

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