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Dwayne was only working for me for one week. We haven't even fully established the drug lab yet, and the damn cartel wants to start trouble with me. In my fucking city. I think they have forgotten who runs the South.

The last time I had issues with them I had to pull strings for them to leave us the fuck alone. I thought we were bad, but them motherfuckers are worse.

As Capo, it would've been a poor call to cause war with them, but now that they lost my respect and killed one of our men we have no choice but to claim territory and dominance. It doesn't matter if Dwayne isn't Italian, he became one of us. We planned on initiating him during the watch party.

I had most of my men clean up the scene and payout the poor old woman to keep this information on the low.

I fully intended to handle that situation once I got back from Georgia.

That's where Angelo wanted me to meet him. The bastard wanted me to fly out because he was too pussy to show his face on my ground.

He knows if he was to come back to Florida, my men, especially father would expect me to kill him. If I didn't, father will.

I was certain he wouldn't hesitate to kill his own child if he had the chance. The only person he may spare is Claire, but even then he doesn't care about her.

I held the duffle bag of money that Dom had cleaned for me. In case anything was to go wrong, he, Clyde, Marco, Francesco, and one more of my soldiers hiked out in the car. Even with Angelo not in our territory they expected me to kill him.

But he's my brother. We were once good pals, we played together, both got slapped up by our father when he was in his pissy moods, and we both mourned our mother's death.

Just because blood means nothing anymore, he's still someone I can't bear to see dead.

I'm standing in the empty garage when a shadow figure comes from the far entrance. He's gotten fucking old. Angelo is tall, just about the height of me, maybe taller. He wore jeans and a polo shirt. He looked like he'd been taking care of himself pretty well. Nothing about his outfit screamed, struggling.

Fucking prick.

"I've got to say, for someone that doesn't want to be involved in mob shit. You are getting yourself into deep stuff working with Aldo." I place the duffel bag next to me. He stares at me, studying everything he missed for the past nine years he's been out of my life. "Abducting my girl and using threats. You just want me to kill you." I add.

He stayed silent. Angelo only walked up to me with an emotionless glare. I was always used to seeing him like that when he was working with father.

I widen my eyes when he pulls me into a hug. His hands pat my back forcefully, I expected him to release me. He only held on tighter.

It felt close to the last hug he gave me nine years ago. The hug said so much, a lot that we didn't deliver. We knew our love for each other, but to show that means losing our pride.

Angelo released me when I shoved him away. He clapped my shoulders once, then twice, and shifted his focus on the bag. "Is that all the money?" he asked.

"You fucking prick, yes that's all the money. Why the fuck are you bothering my wife for this shit?"

"Her father owed it to me." He held out his hands. I knew what he wanted, but he wasn't going to leave with it easily.

"I have questions that need to be answered first."

Angelo gave a terse nod and bit the inside of his cheek. "I can only tell you what I know. But if I do tell you, that would put me at greater risk with Alessandro."

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