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If I weren't nearly a month away from finishing Graduate school, I would've run away with the money my father left behind and never again showed my face in this state. Maybe I would go live with my Grandmother in France or wherever she is. Either way, I want out. 

The morning after my encounter with Enzo, I gave Miguel the stupid recording he's been bugging for and told him not to call or bother me anymore. I refused to be a subject in his work, especially while dealing with criminals. 

I hoovered my thumb over Miguel's number, considering deleting it, but I had no reason to. Other than him using me for the past week, I couldn't bring myself to do it. So instead, I scrolled back up to Enzo's contact information and deleted him from my phone, even the messages we exchanged for weeks were deleted. 

Chicago didn't seem like a bad place to visit. 

My father had his estate there, and I've never been. The tickets weren't cheap, but it was worth the buy. I got two for Stefanie and myself and texted her to meet me at the mall. She had no reason to say no, a vacation was on our list.

"Do you think, I'll know hefty in this?" Stefanie held up a rose gold dress. I shook my head and held up a coat that would go perfectly with her choice. "That does look admirable." She tilts her head to the side. "What time is the flight again?" She asked me.

"Five in the morning. It wasn't cheap getting something so soon." 

We walked to the cash register, where we placed out a few outfits for the trip. I didn't get much besides new jeans and some tops to keep me warm. While at the register I made sure to put down some earrings as well as some chapsticks. "Hopefully, I can wake up. It's been so hard to stay awake. I'm tired all the damn time, and my stomach churns at the thought of food. I haven't even had the baby yet, and I dont see myself having another."

I pulled out my wallet to pay for us. "You should probably meet me at my house tonight then. I'll pick us up some salad and I'll make sure there's no dressing on yours."

Before I was to swipe my card the worker that was behind the cash register grinned at us and said, "Are you expecting?" Stefanie nodded her head while forcing a smile. "And are you the aunt?" She asked me.

I nodded as well, "The aunt and Godmother. She hasn't asked, but I'm her only best friend so it's expected." 

The lady congratulated the both of us as if we were both having a baby. Technically we were. I don't want kids, so she will give me all the babies for me to give back to her when they cry, poop, or scream.

 I'll be the rich Aunt.

I hated to force Stefanie into the mall cafeteria, but I had to eat something before I got cranky. While I was in line ordering food, Stefanie went to go throw up in the bathroom. Staring up at the TV. Governor Alessandro Marino appeared on the screen. He was on the news for the elections. The title questioned his success in becoming the governor this year to come. The outcome for him didn't look too good, then out of the blue, Enzo appeared on the screen. He was as fine as ever, but he was to blame for his father losing battle this time around. 

There was no way they would win, and their little scheme wouldn't work.

"He's so fine." A girl who seemed to be in her teens moaned as she walked past the TV with her groupie friends. 

She was right he is, but if only she knew who he truly was.

Stefanie and I went our own way that evening. I went home and began to pack my bags. I printed out our ticket receipt in case something was to go wrong and left it near my suitcase. I ordered the salads for dinner and texted Stefanie that I was ready for her to come by whenever she was. She told me she would be running late to get here because Dwayne wanted to talk to her. 

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