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I love you?

How the hell am I supposed to reply to that? The chat went from one hundred to zero in a split second. I didn't say anything back to him. Instead, I hung up.

How dare he bring that upon me, after I told him about my situation?

Ugh, He's so fucking selfish! Yet, so hot and hearty when you get to know him. Is that why he said it? Because of how much we've been talking? God I should've made it clear from the beginning that this is a causal thing, but I didn't. I was being stupid.

I haven't spoken to him after that bulshit. No text, no call. Nothing and I'm sure he was smart enough not to text or call me. The idea that he could possibly love me seems faint, and not real. He just met me almost two months ago. What do I look like jumping into something that's not genuine?

I only want sex.

I only want sex.

The chant in my head is driving me crazy because not only do I just want sex, but we haven't had any kind of sex! Now he dropped the "L" bomb on me.

I don't see how we can go from there.

I need him to take it back. He can't conceivably mean it.

I hung up the phone after drowning my sorrows to Stefanie while she was at work. She was getting tired of hearing me complain about my sexual plug. I knew I should've fucked him before he left for his work trip. Maybe It would have been trash all along and I would have left him alone.

I sat in my car grazing over Enzo and I's chat. I was so close to texting him, hell even calling him, but I stopped myself.

I am not going to beg him for sex. That's not me.

Shoving my phone back in my purse, I walk up the stairs to my apartment where a blonde man stood in front of my door peeking in. He wiggled the doorknob to check if anyone was home. But it seemed like he was trying to get in.

What the fuck?

"May I help you?" I stay my distance from him and dig in my bag to feel my pepper spray. I didn't pull it out yet, just in case.

He stepped away from the door. "Uh-yeah. I'm looking for a friend of mine that used to live here. I came from Illinois. Do you know Luis Davis?"

Relieved, I let go of the pepper spray. "Oh." Feeling a bit more comfortable I step closer. "I'm not sure if you heard but my father died. You said you're from Illinois? I didn't know he had friends there."

"Oh yeah. Well, we only just became good friends earlier in the year." The blonde man stuck out his hands for me to shake. "Daniel and you must be Nova. He did speak a lot about you."

"He always did." I fiddle with my keys. "I wish I could say I could take a message or let him know you came but-" I laugh at the irony.

"Oh, it's all good. It's so sad, that he's gone. I could always go to his grave. Would you mind giving me the directions?"

"Sure. Do you have a number?"

"My phone is dead. I was hoping you have a map or a spare charger inside."

"It's the twentieth century so I don't have a map. But if you wait here I can grab you a charger."

I rush into the house and close the door behind me while locking it. I don't trust that man still.
Oddly, he came all this way to see my father. Anyone who watched the news would have seen that he died.

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