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I put down the Valentino dress that had been sent to my P.O. box at the headquarters.

Nova ditched me and possibly made me a dead man in my father's eyes once again. This campaign was supposed to help him and it only brought us back down.

Just as I was coming back from speaking with my father I looked around for Nova at the campaign and she was nowhere to be found. I knew Claire had something to do with it when she spotted me looking for Nova.

So now I am forced to stare at his letter she left me with the dress.

Dear, Enzo.

You should probably know there is a courtesy and respectful manner to using "dear" in a letter. Whether you write letters often or not, you should make it a note to start being formal with your letters. You know, considering you work for mega companies. Speaking of formal I ripped up your letter and crumbled it to feed it to my dog. It was garbage and one I would not fantasize about in my dreams. I know this may be new to you and all, but I don't want to think of you and I certainly don't want to be "yours". I mean seriously what kind of self-centered, ego manic are you, to think I would give myself to you after you've been sleeping around with multiple females? And may I add recently?

Anyway thanks for the dress but my taste for Valentino is far from satisfied. In case you don't know what I mean, it means I don't care for your fancy shit. Respectfully.

Ps: The campaign food was ass, just like you're stuck-up demeanor. Tell your father to do better.

I sat back in my chair and rubbed my aftershave. She sure is something, and just as I imagined she is a hard one to crack. I wasn't even mad at the letter. If anything it made me laugh a bit.

I figured Claire told her about Savannah being over my place last week and I didn't blame her for it. It was a fucked up move.

All of this is fucked up.

I am supposed to be engaged to this woman or better yet give her my seeds. It seems to me there is no way to do this besides being honest. But how does one be honest about my situation? And knowing her she could care less about my problems.

I slammed my laptop reading yet another tabloid of me and the damn tv show. I should've never signed myself up for that crap. I groaned in aggravation and pressed the intercom on my desk. "Arabella!"

In a split second, she busted through my doors and said, "What now?"

If she wasn't Clyde's wife, I would've fired her from day one for the way she speaks to me. "I need you to watch over my emails. It seems I need to work a bit harder for Nova."

"Ahh, she's making you work for if huh? Smart girl."

"Try to contain your excitement, will you? If my father rings for me you know what to tell him."

I took the initiative, to go be honest with Nova.

About Savannah of course, and parts of my life. The more vulnerable I am, the more she'll take me seriously.

I didn't know where else to check for her besides her house. I could've asked Dom for her location, but I didn't want to get used to doing that.

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