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Me: I can't believe I'm saying this, but I may actually miss your presence. I was in the kitchen today making some steak (our favorite) and I thought of your impeccable cooking skills. I can't wait till you come back so we can do that again.

Enzo: My impeccable cooking? Ha, you're lucky your so damn cute and not next to me right now, or I would've taken you over my knee for making fun of me. (In a sexy way of course) The last thing I need is you thinking I'm some sort of Neanderthal. Anyway, I miss you like hell, what are you up to today? T-minus-six days till I come back.

Me: But aren't you a Neanderthal though? You do have all the traits for it. Also Today I have dinner with my mom, she just got back from her vacation. (I could use one) And six days is too long.

Enzo: In fact, I'm not a Neanderthal. If you search up the word it states that I would be uncivilized... huh, actually I may just be a Neanderthal but I don't carry traits of Neophobic, dogmatic, and xenophobic. I am far off from that. Stick with me longer and you'll soon understand.

Ps: Would you tell your mom I said hi if I asked?

Me: maybe I will stick around. Though I must say you aren't far off from dogmatic. But that's just my personal opinion. (Would you spank me for that?)

Ps: there is no way I would do that. She believes I'm still getting over my failed proposal and relationship. I don't think she'll like the idea of me jumping to the next guy who's offering me sex. (which I'm still waiting for)

Enzo: jumping to the next huh? Is that all I am to you? A rebound you will soon get rid of?

Me: ...yes

I couldn't tell you how long I'd been tapping my pencil on my textbook as my eyes glued to our messages. Had I said the wrong thing? Was my honesty too much for him to grasp?

Considering he read my message, proceeded to type then stop, I would take that as a yes.

He wanted me to say hi to my mom for him. What does he think this is? I have enough on my plate already and as I stated to him last time, I'm in a relationship with my career that I'm building. As a doctor, I won't have time for him or anyone.

Though I do feel bad for saying, yes, like that. I could've been a bit more specific in a nicer way. I picked up my phone and began to type,

I didn't mean it like that. What I meant to say is-

But then I deleted it because I did mean it. There was no other way to put it.

I threw my phone in my bag as the professor ended labs. I ran to my car to make it to my sun internship in time. I could've done my sub-internship for four weeks only during the summer, but I fell in love with it so much that I asked to stay a bit longer. This week being my last I made sure to do my best.

Since I couldn't make it to morning rounds today I went around the patients I would assign to and did my notes, along with sign-outs and more sign-in.

Meanwhile the whole evening I waited for Enzo to text me back. And nothing. If he was so mad about how nonchalant I replied he should at least put on his big boy pants and communicate that with me. But I have to remind myself, that I don't care.

I'm only here for the sex. Even if it didn't happen yet.

I shut the front door behind me and placed my bag down on the ground. One foot after another I placed my shoes on the mat. The smell of braised chicken, melting in a stew hit my nostrils. Coq au Vin, what my mother calls it, and her mother as well. "It smells delicious in here!" I squealed.

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