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Time has flown by in the dust of the wind. I carried a cluster of shame with me for two weeks. God, more than shame. The day Miguel told me about Enzo, I started to doubt our relationship. I put together the idea that he was around me because he killed my father or had got my father killed.

I believed it, when Miguel placed the wires on me and before walking up to Enzo's headquarters, and I believed it while Enzo and I spoke.

I had to push myself to wish he hadn't done something to harm my father. But then I saw the hurt in his eyes when he reached behind me to feel the wires I was wearing.

Like a damn fool, I stood there and let him break it, erasing every valuable information he had given me. I didn't have a reason to think he killed my father anymore, he wasn't the kind of guy to do that. It only took me until it was too late to realize he had been on my side and not against me in any way.

Yet, I betrayed him.

 I knew there was no going back after he kicked me out of his office. I may have lost a weird relationship that I was highly interested in, but scared to induce.

Enzo told me he loved me and I hung up on him. I was a moron to let go of a man like him, at least that's what I felt like. But then the doubts start to sweep in like a dam, the heaviness of his life made me think that maybe I wasn't so dumb after all and that I dodged a damn bullet.

Considering that I couldn't stop thinking about him, I knew something had to be fixed.

Maybe it was the simple fact that I had sexual tension built up with him and I needed to release it to forget whatever it is I'm feeling for the man.

What I'm trying to say is, I am thinking of every reason I should like him and every reason I shouldn't. 

I texted Miguel the day the wire broke. I sat in my car arguing with him. He didn't believe me and filled me with questions I didn't have time to answer. All I wanted to do was hide and cry. In his mind, he believed that Enzo was paying me out to help him hide his truths or was blackmailing me. Everything he is thinking about Enzo, couldn't be even more wrong. 

"Can you stop lying to yourself?" Stefanie bothers me for the hundredth time. For two weeks she's been nagging me for being an idiot to involve myself in deep crime shit that I had no business to be in. She even called Miguel and cursed him out for involving me in something so risky. 

I had no reason to be scared of Enzo. Not once has he shown me his horrid side.

 Stefanie said I might as well die because that's what my life is all about now. I didn't worry though. As Enzo said himself, he loves me and I believe it. He wouldn't harm those he loved. That, I know for sure. 

"I hate it. I don't like that your man is in a mob, but you have got to stop the damn mopping around. If you love him then fucking tell him your sorry, and if you just want to have sex with him then go fuck him!"

"I don't love him."

"Yeah, and I'm not pregnant." She scoffs, tempting to hold back her vomit. "Didn't I say not to wear perfume around me? She gagged harshly.

 I had a feeling three weeks ago Stefanie was pregnant. She confirmed it for both of us last week. She has yet to tell Dwayne. She might not even tell him at all. They broke up again for the thousandth time, and well this time is simply because she's been a moody bitch. Dwayne hates it when she gets into her mood swings. I have a feeling they won't last throughout this pregnancy because her hormones are going to be skyrocketing off the charts. 

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