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Between the fine lines of, hating Enzo and the little respect he has for me, were little buzzing effects of my feelings that I continue to push back.

When he left me in the living room of his penthouse, I had nothing to do but stare. Stare at the empty walls of his home. No pictures or artwork were displayed. Just plain boring creme walls. I wanted to question him about it when we stepped into the car, but I was too busy watching him make himself comfortable in my Volkswagen.

He tempered with my radio looking for anything but Beyonce placed the seat to the back of the car, changed the AC temperature, and placed his squeaky clean church shoes on my dashboard. "You can do as you please in my car, but this," I pointed to his long legs. "off damn limits."

he laughed at me and placed his legs down, saying, "I just wanted to see your reaction."

And a reaction he did get out of me.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked in a giddy tone.

Recalling the night of the campaign gathering I took it upon myself to clear my calendar and take him to my favorite farmers market in the city. "To an unfamiliar place for you, considering you dont cook." I laugh.

"Ahh, I see we are going on an expedition, with a mission set in motion. Teaching me how to cook, that's one step closer to my pants. Or my heart." He quirks a brief smile before grabbing my hands and placing them on his firm chest.

I pulled back and shook my head. "Hands off the driver if you want to live."

"You had your hands on me, my love."

My love

Why did my feet twitch on the gas pedal at the sound of that? It's worse enough his mainly deep tone was shivering my spine, but for him to say, my love, I was weak.

I loved being around the farmers market, it was a place my mother and I were always going before prepping big dinners. Ever since I started college years ago we started going less and less. I believe the last time I was here was with Miguel.

I push the thought of him to the back of my head. It doesn't feel right thinking about him nowadays.

I picked up a few fruits for my liking, jams for the morning, and fresh eggs. Oh, I love fresh eggs, much better than store-bought eggs. Hell, everything fresh is better.

"You seem to take a liking to this? Makes me think I'm intruding on your date with the farmers market." Enzo walked beside me holding a basket I forced him to hold. He refused when I showed him in the car but he couldn't deny it any longer.

"Besides the beach, this is my happy place. It takes me away from school, exams, and boyfriend trouble. I used to dream of living on a farm, homesteading with my own property, taking care of my animals, and providing warm full bellies for my kids and husband." I leave out the fact that I wanted it with Miguel. Even though Miguel hated the idea of it.

"That sounds like the life, but I'm sure you pictured that with Miguel." his response was calm but questionable.

"Does that make you jealous?" I skip in front of him and turn my back to the produce while eyeing him. I walked backward not realizing I was about to hit a cart of vegetables.

He didn't stop walking. He continued towards me as if there was enough room and there certainly wasn't any. "Jealous of him? Never. jealous that another man attempted to put a ring on your finger before me, maybe." With his breathing on mine, I had almost forgotten where I was.

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