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The Election gathering was a failed attempt to be hopeful that Father would win. We all knew he would lose.

God, the look on Father's face when he saw that Ranaldo James won instead of him. If looks could kill, everyone in the house would be dead. If he wanted it so badly he could've messed around with the ballots. He could do whatever the hell he wanted now, I only needed to know what Aldo was up to meeting up with Angelo.

The whole night Nova's eyes whelmed with tears, she didn't dare to let it drop through. She kept her chest high and a smile on her face for the remainder of the event.

I dropped Nova at home. It was clear she needed space so I didn't stay, instead, I had security watch over her.

I ran my hands through my hair, an exaggerated sigh escaped from my mouth.

The headquarters was in a disastrous rush the following days, with the Election being a sham my father's business and cryptocurrency had been failing. I on the other hand was very grateful to only own my jewelry shop and the bar.

Arabella steps through my office with Dom, Francesco, and Marco to her side. Even Clyde was present.

When my father is at loss, we all are. It only means we have no protection from the state. We were back down to ground zero.

"Your father is moving out of the mansion. It no longer belongs to him." Clyde sat in front of my desk. I stayed quiet thinking of all the shit I have to deal with, my father, Aldo, Angelo, Claire, and then there's Nova.

"What the hell happened last week? Marco called me talking up a storm. I need to hear it from you." Clyde continued.

"My father is fully committing as Capo."

"And your sister? Are we going to let her marry crazy Marino?" Asked, Clyde.

I pinch the bridge of my nose. "It's not my choice anymore. Alessandro is a capo and Aldo is just as crazy. If we deny it then who knows what would happen."

"Oh come on Enzo, don't tell me you're backing the hell down!" Marco shouts. "Those fucker doesn't know the things you've down to keep this family together, while your father is sitting on his ass all day being the states bitch."

"He protected us."

"He's a dick." Marco exaggerated.

"He... protected us." I defend once more. "He's not my main worry. Aldo is up to something anyways and I don't think I want to be Capo while he is."

"I thought so." Says Clyde. "He called me weeks ago for some damn list Dom got out of Luis's hard drive. Said you would know where it is."

"What the hell would he want with it?" asked Dom. "Didn't you say he and Angelo were In contact, why can't Angelo give it to him?" Dom asked me.

"Because he doesn't want the list, he wants to destroy it. His name is probably on it as well." I include.

"Have you looked at it?" Dom asked.

"I haven't had the heart to," I replied.

I don't need a reminder of all the horrible things I've done. Let alone seeing proof of it. How would Angelo get all this information on us anyway?

"Let's not forget to mention Aldo's been giving money to Angelo. Why the fuck is he bothering Nova?" Arabella spoke.

"Greediness is a hell of a trait," Francesco spoke. "You say the word boss and I'll get rid of Angelo. Brother or not he is a traitor."

"We aren't getting rid of anyone. I'll get Angelo alone and ask him everything I need to know. For now, I have a fucking wedding to plan."

I fight back the eagerness, I treasure the idea of Nova being my wife, but to blackmail her into it, only makes this experience it bit more cringe.

"So it's happening. You actually got Nova to marry you?" Arabella interrupts my train of thought.

"No," Marco spoke in my stead. "Alessandro threatened the girl."

Arabella gave me a look of shock and frowned. "And you let him do that?"

"I didn't know what else to do, Arabella. You know my father. He would do anything to get what he wants."

"I hate to say it Enzo, but you are playing daddy's boy right now. Why try to impress him?"

"Bella," Clyde warned her.

Arabella crossed her arms angrily. "Fine. I'll shut up. But you should have just been honest with her from the start."

"You know think I know that!" I snarled.

"I got your back Enzo. But you know all you have to do is say the word and I'll get rid of your father for you." Francesco said.

If anyone is to kill my father it would be me. I wouldn't give anyone the leverage of chance to end his miserable life. I thought of it for years.

"How about we focus on Angelo and your wedding for now." said, Clyde.

Arabella nodded. I don't even know why she's here. "I agree. I should check in on your bride. She has a lot to learn since she's joining us."

"I would like it if you support her through this," I replied. "Maybe put together something with a small group of the ladies in the States. I want her to know she's safe being with me, and her life won't be so horrible."

"I'll do my best," she sighed.

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