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What the hell was I getting myself into? I had gone from perfect to not-so-perfect in a matter of days. Hell, even a week.

There is no denying that I am attracted to Enzo, even if I want to hide it, there is no way I could. That kiss we just shared cleared everything for me.

I am more than attracted to him, I'm lusted for him, which means I actually desire his weird, stalking presence. I fought the urge to admit it to myself but during the Uber back to the hospital for my car and then back home, it was made clear.

Why do I even like him? If anything I should hate him. He is immature for his age, but yet mature at the same time, and he has no damn filter when it comes to race. He was the opposite of what attracted me.

Miguel is good.

He has his head screwed on and we have the potential to start our family soon. But he has yet to propose to me, and even if he did later on in life, our relationship would be soiled with my actions.

Oh my god, and they are ex-best friends which complicates things even more.

Don't flip out. Don't flip out, I attempt to coach myself for the night to come.

This anniversary date means a lot to us. We did it every year at the same spot as always, J. Alexander's. It had the best steak, and what can I say, I love me some good steak.

I parked my car and rested my head on the steering wheel before leaving. "You're a bad bitch and brave," I tell myself. I have no reason to hide what I did behind his back. I was going to tell him one way or another.

I jumped in fear when someone knocked on my window, "Hi!" mouthed Catherine, Miguel's mother.

Oh God. What is she doing here?

Behind her is her second husband Monte.

OK, what are they both doing here?

"Hi!" I walk out of my car and greet her with a questionable tone, "What are you doing here?" I bite back my confusion and express a more, eager tone.

"I hope you don't mind me crashing your anniversary dinner. I know it's usually just the two of you but Miguel invited us."

Of course, he did.

I don't know why I'm surprised. He has such a great relationship with his mom and with her being in a new marriage I'm sure he just misses her.

I said hi to Monte and hugged Catherine. "How are you dear?" Catherine asked me.

I filled her in for what I could while we walked inside. I admired how she dressed better than me to my own anniversary dinner. She wore a brown dress that outlined her fifty-five-year-old body. Meanwhile, I wore nothing but tight jeans and a fitted tank top.

I didn't exactly plan for this dinner to end on good terms but now that they are here. It has to.

And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse my mother was seated at the table with Miguel. I didn't want to be livid, but I was.

We never shared this day with our parents before. Why tonight? My cheeks turned warm when Miguel stood up to wave at us.

I'm a horrible person.

I can't even look at him without shaming my behavior.

"We sailed to the Bahamas then spent a whole month in Jamaica, and Haiti. Oh my goodness it is gorgeous over there. So we were on our way back from Haiti and trying to get the most prepared with our food and belongings. I asked Monte if he needed help fixing the mainsail because we got caught in a terrible storm. He was being stubborn as always and told me 'no'. I left and when I came back there he was in the water with our mainsail and headsail. Now you would think you would take help from a professional." Catherine laughs.

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