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The hospital was slow today. Even in the emergency center where I was placed by my chief resident, Doctor Campbell. He is a pain in the ass. And goes very hard on us. He claims it to be tough, love but even I know that tough love goes a long way.

"Can this place pick up already?" I sighed.

Lucie waved her index finger at me. "Don't talk like that! The moment you jinx us, there's going to be some sort of fatal crash, or worse a shooting."

"I'm sure Savannah is getting more action in O.R." I rubbed my stomach, feeling the kid kick. Whether it's a boy or a girl, they are extremely active and don't know of the word, rest.

I could only imagine what it would be like while they were here.

"Why are you working still? Shouldn't you be on maternity leave or something?"

I stare at Lucie. "Do resident doctors even get beneficial maternity leave?"

"Good question. Let me go ask Doctor Campbell for you."

I pull her back. "Stop. I don't need to hear him complain about me getting pregnant during the most important time of my life."

I was nine months in for my pregnancy. I wouldn't stop working until I give birth and even after I plan on taking only six weeks off and then I'll be back for work.

Enzo still begs me to stay home with the baby and just work for the Siena. But there's still so much more I need to learn before they trust me to be one of their doctors.

"Excuse me!" one of my patients yelled. She had a case of Urinary tract infection and is pissing blood. Yet she refuses to leave until a real doctor comes to check her. "Excuse me! Pregnant one!"

My eyes rolled, and Lucie laughed. "I'm going to go pretend I have something to do elsewhere." she walks out of the Emergency room and into the main building of the hospital.

I wobble my way to the woman. "Is everything okay?"

"No. I've been sitting here for hours and haven't been seen by anyone," she complained. The woman is In her late forties, so it explains why she doesn't want someone as young as me.

"You were seen, ma'am. You are only seeking a second opinion. It's going to take some time. Other patients need high attention."

"I am pissing blood!" she shouted. "How you feel if you all of a sudden started pissing out blood. And you're knocked up, so I'm sure you wouldn't be too pleased with the sight."

I deterred the idea of cursing her out. "I can show you you're urine test results if you'd like."

"I need a professional. Not someone in training."

"How about I go get your antibiotic signed off by my chief and then I'll be back with an update? In the meantime would you like something to drink?"

"I have to piss every five minutes. What makes you think I want water."

Without acknowledging her, I walked away. Chief was just getting out of surgery with Savannah beaming. We hate her for sleeping with him. She gets the best deals around here. Meanwhile, we get shit and UTIs.

I got the go from the chief to administer the antibiotics myself. On my way to the medicine room, I stopped by the cafeteria to grab more water.

Every day I feel myself cramping up more and more. The Braxton hicks get more intense with every breath I take.

I close the medicine room with the antibiotics in hand. From my scrub pockets, I pull out my phone that I hid. We aren't always supposed to have it on us, but I am too close to giving birth to not.

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