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Back when I stared at my dead father in the face It felt odd to not feel remorse for his death. I didn't cry, I had no reason to because he deserved it.

What he did to Nova, pained me.

She thought maybe I was grieving my father's death during our little split.

What she didn't know was I was facing repercussions for my actions.

Not only did I kill a member of the Siena, but I also killed an Almunus Capo. The elder men his age would seek that I am to pay for my traderist acts. There was so much they didn't know.

I was basically on trial for what I did. Aldo promised me nothing would happen the moment he got the flash drive. That didn't mean men in the Siena wouldn't try anything.

Over the months of Nova mourning her mother and father, I made sure to be there for her. I knew what she needed was gentle ease, nothing that could bring her back there. I even offered her to move to a new estate if she wanted to.

She thought that was too drastic.

When the time came that we finally began to have sex. I didn't take her for granted. I didn't rush into anything too harsh. She needed to be dealt with like the Golden Prize she is.

At the rate we were going I knew eventually that she would end up pregnant. Especially with her forgetting her pill at times.

"Let me see that," I said eagerly. I took the pregnancy test from her that clearly stated she was indeed pregnant. It even showed an estimation of how long it's been. Three-six weeks.

Nova stood there in shock. I knew she would be worried about it. I toned down my excitement for her. "Hey, what's the matter?"

"I just started my residency and I'm already pregnant. Good, I'm never going to hear the end of it from Savannah and Lucie."

"If their yapping is all you can think about, I can shut them up for you."

She gave me a look that I knew too well of. She hated it when I spoke of threats.

"How am I going to do this?" Nova cries.

I pull her into a hug. My chin rested on her head. I wasn't going to tell her the first thing that came to my mind. Like her forgetting about work and staying home. That's not what she wants to hear.

Instead, I said, "You've been through so much. I don't see you not doing this. You are stronger than you think."

I backed her up arm's length and got a good look at her soaking eyes. I hated to make her cry so early in the morning, but I needed to see this for myself. I needed my thoughts to be put to rest.

For weeks on end, I've been observing her. When I realized she wasn't her usual self, I knew the pregnancy could have been a factor.

The doctor said she was healthy and the baby was growing at a perfect rate. Nova was actually five weeks pregnant and wouldn't be showing for a while.

I wanted to solely keep this pregnancy between me and her. There have been some suspicious activities going on with the cartels still and I don't need them taking my wife as a weapon against me.

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