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The fucking prick, Daniel was scared and vanished from the sight of earth. It's best if he did anyways because I was going to killing him myself. When I left Claire that day I went to the headquarters where I knew Marco and the rest would meet me.

We talked about what we could possibly do to Daniel and what not to do considering he's been the one tipping the Feds with information on my family. God I should've known not to trust him into my sister's life.

Before the prick left, I sent Marco out to Davie to look for him.

We planned on just threatening him, but then Marco mentioned he went missing. I had to ask Marco if he killed him because I know the short temper he has. A he told me "no", I had no choice but to believe my soldiers.

I decided to not mention it to my father. If I end up telling him so soon, he would take the opportunity to marry her off when she's still healing.

I told Claire she can't live in Davie anymore. Even if she wanted to try and stay away from either father or me, she had to be close to one of us.

"Can you move." Claire said while bringing in yet another box to my condo.

"I thought I said use a storage room." I tell her.

"Why would I do that. My condo will only take a few weeks before it's prepared for me."

She looked into buying a condo only a few floors down from me. I thought it was a great idea and if my father was to ask why, she would plainly say she hated Davie after all.

"No need to bring a maid or house worker either. I do cook on my own. As a matter of fact do you even have a house worker?" She asked me.

"Why would I have a house worker when I can just eat out?"

She laughed. "So you're still eating steaks and salads at restaurants? God you're impossible."

I rolled my eyes and help her with the rest of her things. She was to stay in a room upstairs and she can close off that part of the condo if she would like. Her security stayed grounded in the garage. I'd given them a heads up about Daniel and even tipped them to not mention anything to my father.

"Remember when Angelo would always tell us about how dad didn't have time for us?" She asked while walking into the kitchen. "I didn't understand it then, but it all makes sense now. Why he left and all."

"I should've left with him."

"Why didn't you?" She asked me. "I didn't expect you to be the type of man to be apart of this kind of crap. You're not like them."

"I am the only Marino son left standing, being in training as Capo is important to father. Either way, It had to be a Marino or we wouldn't have the things we have now to survive. And if you must know why I didn't leave with Angelo, it's because he never came back for us," I tell her.

"So what happens if-God forbid-you die. Then who will take over?"

"Hopefully my son, or if I have a daughter she will marry and keep Marino blood flowing at least."

She laughed in disbelief. "Ha! You need a wife or a girlfriend in order to have kids. You have neither."

"I have one." I reply at the same time my phone buzzed. I was waiting for an update on Nova's location so I can pop up.

"Oh no. Please don't tell me you're dating Savannah again? You know she texted me asking for you the other day and I grew to worry you guys are becoming a thing again."

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