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I felt bad for the sucker when he saw me at the door. With how I was looking, Nova's hair all wet and wearing a robe, he had had every reason to believe what was going on in his head.

When Nova closed the door, I could see the regret on her face even if she wanted to hide it. She didn't have to say anything to me for me to know that what was cooking up between us wouldn't be served tonight and I was ok with that.

For now.

I let myself out after helping her clean the mess we caused. For the day after that, I had planned to do a press conference with my father to clear up assumptions that had been made over the internet about me.

I could understand why my father needed me to marry Nova. If people believe that we are racist or discriminating in any way, it can look bad for them on election day.

The damn tie was choking me as we stood on the steps of City Hall to meet with the mayor for the press conference.

The tie was so fucking tight, I was red in front of my damn podium, camera, and the crowd of snoozy people who could care less for what I had to say.

I wasn't sure how many fucking times it would take for the people to understand my deepest apologies for the rude comment I made. I searched and searched for those who had my dark, unrelated humor, but there was a tiny percentage. So fucking small it resembles an atom in the air.

My father cleared his throat from my left, forcing me to begin speaking. I would much rather be punching my fist towards a man at this point than being here. I hate doing fucking speeches.

I brought Arabella along with me since she is my trusted assistant and in case I fucked up somehow I know she has my back.

"Erm," I clear my throat and move closer to the many microphones. "Over the summer I partook in The Bachelor Players. I had my fair share of fun and enjoyed the company of all the beautiful women. All. I was not trying to portray that I have a hateful heart towards the black community, Jewish culture, or any other for that matter. My usual type of Woman consists of different sizes, personalities, and races. The comment I made was rash, nonsensical, insensitive, irresponsible, and a stupid mistake. Those who know me, know that I have a soupy mouth with no filter to stop me. I came here today to apologize. I made my father look like a joke in front of billions, and I want you to know, you can trust my father. He is responsible, trustworthy, and loves our country and Florida as much as we do, maybe a little bit more. So vote for Marino as your governor. You won't regret it."

Bulshit. Bulshit. Bulshit.

Lies, all of it. I thought I was sorry for my comment but since they keep dragging it out, I dont feel bad. I said what I said and it was a damn joke. If people dont like it, they can shove it up where the fucking sun doesn't shine. I swear if my father wasn't doing this for the help of the Siena, I wouldn't have apologized. But with the Feds catching up to our team here in Miami, we need politicians on our side now more than ever.

Yet I feel like my father isn't doing enough to help me.

Father taps me on my shoulder and I step back from the microphone to let him speak. As for him, I hope he chokes on it.

"That was good! You didn't choke. But could imagine you want your father too." Says Arabella. She follows me to the escort car where we would have to wait for my father.

He will be in town for a week to run his Miami campaigns and attend some meetings. Which means I had to be on my best behavior.

"Arabella. With my father being here all week can we not talk about him when he isn't present?"

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